[FLASH-USERS] Simulation_adjustEvolution

andrea costa acosta at oac.uncor.edu
Fri Jan 10 19:03:00 EST 2014

Hi to all,

As Dean kindly suggested, I

used the Simulation_adjustEvolution.F90 file to introduce a delayed initial
condition in the

magneto/CurrentSheet example.

Everything is OK if I introduce a localized  overdensity pulse increasing

solnData(DENS_VAR,i,j,k) variable.

This is, the plot of the run shows an overdensity appearing at the time
indicated, with the

correct intensity.

However, when I try to add a pressure pulse to the evolved dynamic,

-e.g. increasing solnData(PRES_VAR,i,j,k) by 50 x solnData(PRES_VAR,i,j,k)-,

 I obtain a much smaller value than that I have introduced.

Do anyone knows what I'm doing wrong and how  to solve it???

thanks !!
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