[FLASH-USERS] Can't run flash4 with multi cores

pchang pchang at lle.rochester.edu
Tue Jul 29 21:48:26 EDT 2014

Hi all,
I just started using Flash.
I can run it in the local machine using one processor by using 
"./flash4" with no issue.
However, when I tried to run it using multiple processors using 
"mpirun", I got the following error message:

mpiexec_cl2n006: mpd_uncaught_except_tb handling:
   exceptions.IndexError: list index out of range
     /usr/local/intel-mpi/3.1.038/bin64/mpiexec  1341  collect_args
         if args[argidx] == ':':
     /usr/local/intel-mpi/3.1.038/bin64/mpiexec  407  mpiexec
     /usr/local/intel-mpi/3.1.038/bin64/mpiexec  2649  ?
Connection to cl2n006 closed by remote host.

Does anyone know what's the reason?
Thank you.

Fusion Science Center,
Laboratory for Laser Energetics
University of Rochester
250 East River Road
Rochester, New York 14623
Phone: (585) 273-5179
FAX: (585) 275-5960
pchang at lle.rochester.edu

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