[FLASH-USERS] 3D Spherical errors (guard-cell variables zero)

Sean Couch smc at flash.uchicago.edu
Mon Jul 7 20:41:21 EDT 2014

One quick suggestion I have is to add +pm4dev to you setup line.  That brings in the most current grid package.


Sean M. Couch
Hubble Fellow
Flash Center for Computational Science
Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics
The University of Chicago
5747 S Ellis Ave, Jo 315
Chicago, IL  60637
(773) 702-3899

On Jul 7, 2014, at 9:30 AM, Luke Zoltan Kelley <lkelley at cfa.harvard.edu> wrote:

> Sure, I wasn't sure If flash-users allowed attachments so I've added the log contents:
>  FLASH log file:  07-07-2014  10:26:23.961    Run number:  1
>  ==============================================================================
>  Number of MPI tasks:                  1
>  MPI version:                          3
>  MPI subversion:                       0
>  Dimensionality:                       3
>  Max Number of Blocks/Proc:          200
>  Number x zones:                       8
>  Number y zones:                       8
>  Number z zones:                       8
>  Setup stamp:     Mon Jul 7 10:25:52 2014
>  Build stamp:     Mon Jul 7 10:25:56 2014
>  System info:     Darwin daedalus.local 13.3.0 Darwin Kernel Version 13.3.0: Tue Jun  3 21:27:35 P
>  Version:         FLASH 4.2.2_release                                                             
>  Build directory: /Users/lzkelley/Applications/flash/flash4.2.2/object_starwind
>  Setup syntax:    /Users/lzkelley/Applications/flash/flash4.2.2/bin/setup.py starwind -auto -objdir=object_starwind -3d +spherical -noclobber -debug
>  f compiler flags: /opt/local//bin/mpif90 -ggdb -c -O0 -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8 -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -Waliasing -Wsurprising -Wconversion -Wunderflow -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow -fbounds-check -fimplicit-none -fstack-protector-all -ffree-line-length-0 -Wno-unused -Wno-unused-parameter -DMAXBLOCKS=200 -DNXB=8 -DNYB=8 -DNZB=8 -DN_DIM=3
>  c compiler flags:    /opt/local//bin/mpicc -I /opt/local//include -DH5_USE_16_API -ggdb -c -O0 -Wno-div-by-zero -Wundef -Wconversion -Wstrict-prototypes -Wunreachable-code -pedantic -Wall -Wextra -Winit-self -Wfloat-equal -Wunsafe-loop-optimizations -Wpadded -fstack-protector-all -DMAXBLOCKS=200 -DNXB=8 -DNYB=8 -DNZB=8 -DN_DIM=3 -DDarwin
>  ==============================================================================
>  Comment:  FLASH 3 run
>  ==============================================================================
>  FLASH Units used:
>    Driver/DriverMain/Split
>    Grid/GridBoundaryConditions/OneRow
>    Grid/GridMain/paramesh/interpolation/Paramesh4/prolong
>    Grid/GridMain/paramesh/interpolation/prolong
>    Grid/GridMain/paramesh/paramesh4/Paramesh4dev/PM4_package/headers
>    Grid/GridMain/paramesh/paramesh4/Paramesh4dev/PM4_package/mpi_source
>    Grid/GridMain/paramesh/paramesh4/Paramesh4dev/PM4_package/source
>    Grid/GridMain/paramesh/paramesh4/Paramesh4dev/PM4_package/utilities/multigrid
>    Grid/GridSolvers/Multipole_new
>    Grid/localAPI
>    IO/IOMain/hdf5/serial/PM
>    IO/localAPI
>    Multispecies/MultispeciesMain
>    PhysicalConstants/PhysicalConstantsMain
>    RuntimeParameters/RuntimeParametersMain
>    Simulation/SimulationComposition/Burn
>    Simulation/SimulationMain/starwind
>    flashUtilities/contiguousConversion
>    flashUtilities/general
>    flashUtilities/interpolation/oneDim
>    flashUtilities/nameValueLL
>    flashUtilities/sorting/quicksort
>    flashUtilities/system/memoryUsage/legacy
>    monitors/Logfile/LogfileMain
>    monitors/Timers/TimersMain/MPINative
>    physics/Eos/EosMain/Gamma
>    physics/Eos/localAPI
>    physics/Hydro/HydroMain/split/PPM/PPMKernel
>  ==============================================================================
>  RuntimeParameters:
>  ==============================================================================
> bndpriorityone              =          1
> bndprioritythree            =          3
> bndprioritytwo              =          2
> checkpointfileintervalstep  =          0
> checkpointfilenumber        =          0
> dr_abortpause               =          2
> drift_break_inst            =          0
> drift_trunc_mantissa        =          2
> drift_verbose_inst          =          0
> eos_entrelescalechoice      =          6
> fileformatversion           =          9
> forcedplotfilenumber        =          0
> gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_1       =         -1
> gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_10      =         -1
> gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_11      =         -1
> gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_12      =         -1
> gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_13      =         -1
> gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_14      =         -1
> gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_15      =         -1
> gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_16      =         -1
> gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_17      =         -1
> gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_18      =         -1
> gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_19      =         -1
> gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_2       =         -1
> gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_20      =         -1
> gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_3       =         -1
> gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_4       =         -1
> gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_5       =         -1
> gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_6       =         -1
> gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_7       =         -1
> gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_8       =         -1
> gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_9       =         -1
> gr_pmrpdivergencefree       =          1
> gr_pmrpifaceoff             =          0
> gr_pmrpl2p5d                =          0
> gr_pmrpmaxblocks            =         -1
> gr_pmrpmflags               =          1
> gr_pmrpnboundaries          =          6
> gr_pmrpndim                 =          3
> gr_pmrpnedgevar1            =         -1
> gr_pmrpnfacevar             =         -1
> gr_pmrpnfielddivf           =         -1
> gr_pmrpnfluxvar             =         -1
> gr_pmrpnguard               =         -1
> gr_pmrpnguardwork           =         -1
> gr_pmrpnvar                 =         -1
> gr_pmrpnvarwork             =          1
> gr_pmrpnvarcorn             =          0
> gr_pmrpnvaredge             =          0
> gr_pmrpnxb                  =         -1
> gr_pmrpnyb                  =         -1
> gr_pmrpnzb                  =         -1
> gr_restrictallmethod        =          3
> gr_sanitizedatamode         =          1
> gr_sanitizeverbosity        =          5
> iprocs                      =          1
> igodu                       =          0
> interpol_order              =          2
> iplm                        =          0
> irenorm                     =          0
> jprocs                      =          1
> kprocs                      =          1
> lrefine_del                 =          0
> lrefine_max                 =          4 [CHANGED]
> lrefine_min                 =          3 [CHANGED]
> lrefine_min_init            =          1
> max_particles_per_blk       =        100
> memory_stat_freq            =     100000
> meshcopycount               =          1
> min_particles_per_blk       =          1
> mpole_innerzonesize         =         16
> mpole_lmax                  =          8 [CHANGED]
> mpole_maxradialzones        =          1
> nbegin                      =          1
> nblockx                     =          1
> nblocky                     =          1
> nblockz                     =          1
> nend                        = 1000000000 [CHANGED]
> nrefs                       =          2
> nriem                       =      10000 [CHANGED]
> nsteptotalsts               =          5
> outputsplitnum              =          1
> plotfileintervalstep        =          0
> plotfilenumber              =          0
> ppmeintcompfluxconstructionmeth =          0
> ppmeintfluxconstructionmeth =          0
> ppmenercompfluxconstructionmeth =          0
> ppmenerfluxconstructionmeth =          0
> refine_var_count            =          4
> rolling_checkpoint          =      10000
> sim_maxblocks               =      40000
> sim_nsubzones               =          4 [CHANGED]
> sweeporder                  =        123
> wr_integrals_freq           =          1
> cfl                         =                 0.800E+00
> checkpointfileintervaltime  =                 0.100E+06 [CHANGED]
> checkpointfileintervalz     =                 0.180+309
> cvisc                       =                 0.100E+00
> derefine_cutoff_1           =                 0.200E+00
> derefine_cutoff_2           =                 0.200E+00
> derefine_cutoff_3           =                 0.200E+00
> derefine_cutoff_4           =                 0.200E+00
> dp_sh                       =                 0.330E+00
> dp_sh_md                    =                 0.330E+00
> dr_tstepslowstartfactor     =                 0.100E+00
> dtinit                      =                 0.100E-03 [CHANGED]
> dtmax                       =                 0.100E+09 [CHANGED]
> dtmin                       =                 0.100E-09
> eintswitch                  =                 0.100E-03 [CHANGED]
> eos_singlespeciesa          =                 0.100E+01
> eos_singlespeciesz          =                 0.100E+01
> epsiln                      =                 0.330E+00
> gamma                       =                 0.167E+01
> gr_lrefinemaxredlogbase     =                 0.100E+02
> gr_lrefinemaxredradiusfact  =                 0.000E+00
> gr_lrefinemaxredtref        =                 0.000E+00
> gr_lrefinemaxredtimescale   =                 0.100E+01
> gr_lrefmaxtime_1            =                -0.100E+01
> gr_lrefmaxtime_10           =                -0.100E+01
> gr_lrefmaxtime_11           =                -0.100E+01
> gr_lrefmaxtime_12           =                -0.100E+01
> gr_lrefmaxtime_13           =                -0.100E+01
> gr_lrefmaxtime_14           =                -0.100E+01
> gr_lrefmaxtime_15           =                -0.100E+01
> gr_lrefmaxtime_16           =                -0.100E+01
> gr_lrefmaxtime_17           =                -0.100E+01
> gr_lrefmaxtime_18           =                -0.100E+01
> gr_lrefmaxtime_19           =                -0.100E+01
> gr_lrefmaxtime_2            =                -0.100E+01
> gr_lrefmaxtime_20           =                -0.100E+01
> gr_lrefmaxtime_3            =                -0.100E+01
> gr_lrefmaxtime_4            =                -0.100E+01
> gr_lrefmaxtime_5            =                -0.100E+01
> gr_lrefmaxtime_6            =                -0.100E+01
> gr_lrefmaxtime_7            =                -0.100E+01
> gr_lrefmaxtime_8            =                -0.100E+01
> gr_lrefmaxtime_9            =                -0.100E+01
> larget                      =                 0.100E+11
> mpole_innerzoneresolution   =                 0.100E+00
> mpole_zoneexponent_1        =                 0.100E+01
> mpole_zoneexponent_2        =                 0.100E+01
> mpole_zoneexponent_3        =                 0.100E+01
> mpole_zoneexponent_4        =                 0.100E+01
> mpole_zoneradiusfraction_1  =                 0.100E+01
> mpole_zoneradiusfraction_2  =                 0.100E+01
> mpole_zoneradiusfraction_3  =                 0.100E+01
> mpole_zoneradiusfraction_4  =                 0.100E+01
> mpole_zonescalar_1          =                 0.100E+01
> mpole_zonescalar_2          =                 0.100E+01
> mpole_zonescalar_3          =                 0.100E+01
> mpole_zonescalar_4          =                 0.100E+01
> nusts                       =                 0.100E+00
> omg1                        =                 0.750E+00
> omg2                        =                 0.100E+02
> plotfileintervaltime        =                 0.100E-02 [CHANGED]
> plotfileintervalz           =                 0.180+309
> refine_cutoff_1             =                 0.800E+00
> refine_cutoff_2             =                 0.800E+00
> refine_cutoff_3             =                 0.800E+00
> refine_cutoff_4             =                 0.800E+00
> refine_filter_1             =                 0.100E-01
> refine_filter_2             =                 0.100E-01
> refine_filter_3             =                 0.100E-01
> refine_filter_4             =                 0.100E-01
> rieman_tol                  =                 0.100E-13 [CHANGED]
> rss_limit                   =                -0.100E+01
> sim_fluffdampcoeff          =                 0.950E+00
> sim_fluffdampcutoff         =                 0.100E-17 [CHANGED]
> sim_fluffrefinecutoff       =                 0.100E+02
> sim_fluidgamma              =                 0.167E+01 [CHANGED]
> sim_objcentdens             =                 0.165E+03 [CHANGED]
> sim_objcentpres             =                 0.246E+18 [CHANGED]
> sim_objmass                 =                 0.999E+00 [CHANGED]
> sim_objpolyn                =                 0.300E+01
> sim_objradius               =                 0.102E+01 [CHANGED]
> sim_pambient                =                 0.100E-03
> sim_relaxrate               =                 0.900E+00 [CHANGED]
> sim_rhoambient              =                 0.100E-18 [CHANGED]
> sim_rotangle                =                 0.000E+00
> sim_rotfac                  =                 0.000E+00
> sim_smallt                  =                 0.100E+05
> sim_starptmass              =                 0.200E+34
> sim_tambient                =                 0.100E+01
> sim_trelax                  =                 0.100E+05 [CHANGED]
> sim_tspinup                 =                 0.000E+00
> sim_winddens                =                 0.100E-02 [CHANGED]
> sim_windduration            =                 0.250E+04 [CHANGED]
> sim_windpeak                =                 0.300E+05 [CHANGED]
> sim_windrampup              =                 0.300E+01
> sim_windtemp                =                 0.100E+05 [CHANGED]
> sim_windvel                 =                 0.300E+08
> sim_xcenter                 =                 0.100E+12 [CHANGED]
> sim_ycenter                 =                 0.100E+12 [CHANGED]
> sim_zcenter                 =                 0.100E+12 [CHANGED]
> small                       =                 0.100E-14 [CHANGED]
> smalle                      =                 0.100E+11 [CHANGED]
> smallp                      =                 0.100E-03 [CHANGED]
> smallt                      =                 0.100E-14 [CHANGED]
> smallu                      =                 0.100E-14 [CHANGED]
> smallx                      =                 0.100E-29 [CHANGED]
> smlrho                      =                 0.100E-19 [CHANGED]
> tinitial                    =                 0.000E+00
> tmax                        =                 0.100E+01 [CHANGED]
> tstep_change_factor         =                 0.200E+01
> vgrid                       =                 0.000E+00
> wall_clock_checkpoint       =                 0.432E+05
> wall_clock_time_limit       =                 0.605E+06
> x_refine_center             =                 0.000E+00
> xmax                        =                 0.200E+12 [CHANGED]
> xmin                        =                 0.000E+00
> y_refine_center             =                 0.000E+00
> ymax                        =                 0.900E+02 [CHANGED]
> ymin                        =                 0.000E+00
> zfinal                      =                 0.000E+00
> zinitial                    =                -0.100E+01
> z_refine_center             =                 0.000E+00
> zmax                        =                 0.180E+03 [CHANGED]
> zmin                        =                 0.000E+00
> unitsystem                  = none                          
> basenm                      = starwind_                      [CHANGED]
> eosmode                     = dens_ie                       
> eosmodeinit                 = dens_pres                      [CHANGED]
> geometry                    = spherical                      [CHANGED]
> gr_pmrpoutputdir            = ./                            
> grav_boundary_type          = isolated                      
> hy_eosmodeafter             = dens_ie                       
> hy_fluxrepresentation       = fluxes                        
> log_file                    = starwind.log                   [CHANGED]
> mpole_zonetype_1            = exponential                   
> mpole_zonetype_2            = exponential                   
> mpole_zonetype_3            = exponential                   
> mpole_zonetype_4            = logarithmic                   
> output_directory            =                               
> pc_unitsbase                = CGS                           
> plot_grid_var_1             = none                          
> plot_grid_var_10            = none                          
> plot_grid_var_11            = none                          
> plot_grid_var_12            = none                          
> plot_grid_var_2             = none                          
> plot_grid_var_3             = none                          
> plot_grid_var_4             = none                          
> plot_grid_var_5             = none                          
> plot_grid_var_6             = none                          
> plot_grid_var_7             = none                          
> plot_grid_var_8             = none                          
> plot_grid_var_9             = none                          
> plot_var_1                  = dens                           [CHANGED]
> plot_var_10                 = none                          
> plot_var_11                 = none                          
> plot_var_12                 = none                          
> plot_var_2                  = temp                           [CHANGED]
> plot_var_3                  = velx                           [CHANGED]
> plot_var_4                  = vely                           [CHANGED]
> plot_var_5                  = velz                           [CHANGED]
> plot_var_6                  = none                          
> plot_var_7                  = none                          
> plot_var_8                  = none                          
> plot_var_9                  = none                          
> prof_file                   = profile.dat                   
> refine_var_1                = dens                           [CHANGED]
> refine_var_2                = pres                           [CHANGED]
> refine_var_3                = none                          
> refine_var_4                = none                          
> run_comment                 = FLASH 3 run                   
> run_number                  = 1                             
> stats_file                  = flash.dat                     
> xl_boundary_type            = reflecting                     [CHANGED]
> xr_boundary_type            = diode                          [CHANGED]
> yl_boundary_type            = periodic                      
> yr_boundary_type            = periodic                      
> zl_boundary_type            = outflow                        [CHANGED]
> zr_boundary_type            = outflow                        [CHANGED]
> allowdtstsdominate          =  F
> alwayscomputeuservars       =  T
> alwaysrestrictcheckpoint    =  T
> bytepack                    =  F
> charlimiting                =  T
> chkguardcellsinput          =  F
> chkguardcellsoutput         =  F
> converttoconsvdformeshcalls =  F
> converttoconsvdinmeshinterp =  T
> corners                     =  F
> dr_printtsteploc            =  T
> dr_shortenlaststepbeforetmax =  T [CHANGED]
> drift_tuples                =  F
> eachprocwritesownabortlog   =  F
> eachprocwritessummary       =  F
> earlyblockdistadjustment    =  T
> enablemaskedgcfill          =  F
> flux_correct                =  T
> geometryoverride            =  F
> gr_bcenableapplymixedgds    =  T
> gr_lrefinemaxbytime         =  F
> gr_lrefinemaxreddobylogr    =  F
> gr_lrefinemaxreddobytime    =  F
> gr_pmrpadvancealllevels     =  F
> gr_pmrpamrerrorchecking     =  F
> gr_pmrpcartesianpm          =  F
> gr_pmrpconserve             =  F
> gr_pmrpconsvfluxdensities   =  T
> gr_pmrpconsvfluxes          =  F
> gr_pmrpcurvilinear          =  F
> gr_pmrpcurvilinearconserve  =  F
> gr_pmrpcylindricalpm        =  F
> gr_pmrpdiagonals            =  T
> gr_pmrpedgevalue            =  T
> gr_pmrpedgevalueinteg       =  F
> gr_pmrpemptycells           =  F
> gr_pmrpforceconsistency     =  T
> gr_pmrplsingularline        =  F
> gr_pmrpnopermanentguardcells =  F
> gr_pmrppolarpm              =  F
> gr_pmrppredcorr             =  F
> gr_pmrpsphericalpm          =  F
> gr_pmrptimingmpi            =  F
> gr_pmrptimingmpix           =  F
> gr_pmrpvardt                =  F
> hybrid_riemann              =  F
> ignoreforcedplot            =  F
> io_writemscalarintegrals    =  F
> leveque                     =  F
> mpole_2dsymmetryplane       =  F
> mpole_3daxisymmetry         =  F
> mpole_dumpmoments           =  F
> mpole_ignoreinnerzone       =  F
> mpole_multithreading        =  F
> mpole_printradialinfo       =  F
> plotfilegridquantitydp      =  F
> plotfilemetadatadp          =  F
> ppm_modifystates            =  F
> reducegcellfills            =  F
> refine_on_particle_count    =  F
> restart                     =  F
> summaryoutputonly           =  F
> threadblocklistbuild        =  F
> threaddelepblocklist        =  F
> threaddelepwithinblock      =  F
> threaddriverblocklist       =  F
> threaddriverwithinblock     =  F
> threadeoswithinblock        =  F
> threadhydroblocklist        =  F
> threadhydrowithinblock      =  F
> threadraytracebuild         =  F
> threadwithinblockbuild      =  F
> typematchedxfer             =  T
> unbiased_geometry           =  F
> updatehydrofluxes           =  T
> useburn                     =  F
> usecollectivehdf5           =  T
> useconductivity             =  F
> usecool                     =  F
> usecosmology                =  F
> usedeleptonize              =  F
> usediffuse                  =  F
> useenergydeposition         =  F
> useflame                    =  F
> usegravity                  =  F
> useheat                     =  F
> useheatexchange             =  F
> usehydro                    =  T
> useionize                   =  F
> uselegacylabels             =  T
> usemagneticresistivity      =  F
> usemassdiffusivity          =  F
> useopacity                  =  F
> useparticles                =  F
> usepolytrope                =  F
> useprimordialchemistry      =  F
> useradtrans                 =  F
> usests                      =  F
> usestsfordiffusion          =  F
> usestir                     =  F
> usetreecol                  =  F
> useturb                     =  T
> useviscosity                =  F
> use_cma_advection           =  F
> use_cma_flattening          =  F
> use_cma_steepening          =  F
> use_steepening              =  T
> writestatsummary            =  T
>  ==============================================================================
>  Known units of measurement:
>               Unit                          CGS Value                Base Unit
>   1                  cm                     1.0000                           cm
>   2                   s                     1.0000                            s
>   3                   g                     1.0000                            g
>   4                   K                     1.0000                            K
>   5                 esu                     1.0000                          esu
>   6                 mol                     1.0000                          mol
>   7                   m                     100.00                           cm
>   8                  km                    1.00000E+05                       cm
>   9                  pc                    3.08568E+18                       cm
>  10                 kpc                    3.08568E+21                       cm
>  11                 Mpc                    3.08568E+24                       cm
>  12                 Gpc                    3.08568E+27                       cm
>  13                Rsun                    6.96000E+10                       cm
>  14                  AU                    1.49598E+13                       cm
>  15                  yr                    3.15569E+07                        s
>  16                 Myr                    3.15569E+13                        s
>  17                 Gyr                    3.15569E+16                        s
>  18                  kg                     1000.0                            g
>  19                Msun                    1.98892E+33                        g
>  20                 amu                    1.66054E-24                        g
>  21                  eV                     11605.                            K
>  22                   C                    2.99792E+09                      esu
>  23                LFLY                    3.08568E+24                       cm
>  24                TFLY                    2.05759E+17                        s
>  25                MFLY                    9.88470E+45                        g
>  26            clLength                    3.08568E+24                       cm
>  27              clTime                    3.15569E+16                        s
>  28              clMass                    1.98892E+48                        g
>  29              clTemp                    1.16044E+07                        K
> -----------End of Units--------------------
>  Known physical constants:
>     Constant Name       Constant Value   cm       s        g        K        esu      mol
>   1              Newton    6.67428E-08   3.0     -2.0     -1.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    
>   2      speed of light    2.99792E+10   1.0     -1.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    
>   3              Planck    6.62607E-27   2.0     -1.0      1.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    
>   4     electron charge    4.80320E-10   0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      1.0      0.0    
>   5       electron mass    9.10938E-28   0.0      0.0      1.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    
>   6         proton mass    1.67262E-24   0.0      0.0      1.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    
>   7      fine-structure    7.29735E-03   0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    
>   8            Avogadro    6.02214E+23   0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0     -1.0    
>   9           Boltzmann    1.38065E-16   2.0     -2.0      1.0     -1.0      0.0      0.0    
>  10  ideal gas constant    8.31447E+07   2.0     -2.0      1.0     -1.0      0.0     -1.0    
>  11                Wien    0.28978       1.0      0.0      0.0      1.0      0.0      0.0    
>  12    Stefan-Boltzmann    5.67040E-05   0.0     -3.0      1.0     -4.0      0.0      0.0    
>  13  Radiation Constant    7.56577E-15  -1.0     -2.0      1.0     -4.0      0.0      0.0    
>  14                  pi     3.1416       0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    
>  15                   e     2.7183       0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    
>  16               Euler    0.57722       0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0    
>  ==============================================================================
>  Multifluid database contents:
> Initially defined values of species:
> Name     Index          Total   Positive  Neutral   Negative  bind Ener Gamma   eosType
> Name     Index  OpacityLowTemp  Zmin    Subtype ZFreeTableFile                   EnerTableFile                    PresTableFile
> Species Constituents
>  ==============================================================================
>  [ 07-07-2014  10:26:23.962 ] [amr_set_runtime_parameters] NOTE: Enabling curvilinear suppport because of the selected geometry
>  [ 07-07-2014  10:26:23.999 ] [gr_initGeometry] checking BCs for idir: 1
>  [ 07-07-2014  10:26:23.999 ] [gr_initGeometry] checking BCs for idir: 2
>  [ 07-07-2014  10:26:23.999 ] [gr_initGeometry] checking BCs for idir: 3
>            Object mass (m_sun): 9.98681760E-01
>                  Object radius: 7.08274944E+10
>         Object central density: 1.65245400E+02
>           Ambient CFL timestep: 6.12372436E+01
>             Fluff CFL timestep: 1.93649167E+01
>                    Obj. radius: 7.08274944E+10
>  [ 07-07-2014  10:26:24.007 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: initiating refinement
>  [ 07-07-2014  10:26:24.007 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: redist. phase.  tot blks requested: 9
>  [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min blks 9    max blks 9    tot blks 9
>  [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min leaf blks 8    max leaf blks 8    tot leaf blks 8
>  [ 07-07-2014  10:26:24.008 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]: refinement complete
>  [ 07-07-2014  10:26:24.010 ] [GRID gr_expandDomain]: iteration=1, create level=3
>  INFO: Grid_fillGuardCells is ignoring masking.
>  [ 07-07-2014  10:26:24.097 ] [mpi_amr_comm_setup]: buffer_dim_send=1, buffer_dim_recv=1
>  [ 07-07-2014  10:26:24.139 ] WARNING after gc filling: min. unk(DENS_VAR)=0.000000000000000000000 PE=0 block=1 type=2
>  [ 07-07-2014  10:26:24.140 ] WARNING after gc filling: min. unk(ENER_VAR)=0.000000000000000 PE=0 block=1 type=2
>  [ 07-07-2014  10:26:24.140 ] WARNING after gc filling: min. unk(EINT_VAR)=0.000000000000000 PE=0 block=1 type=2
>  [ 07-07-2014  10:26:24.141 ] WARNING after gc filling: min. unk(DENS_VAR)=0.000000000000000000000 PE=0 block=2 type=1
>  [ 07-07-2014  10:26:24.141 ] WARNING after gc filling: min. unk(ENER_VAR)=0.000000000000000 PE=0 block=2 type=1
>  [ 07-07-2014  10:26:24.142 ] WARNING after gc filling: min. unk(EINT_VAR)=0.000000000000000 PE=0 block=2 type=1
>  [ 07-07-2014  10:26:24.142 ] WARNING after gc filling: min. unk(DENS_VAR)=0.000000000000000000000 PE=0 block=3 type=1
>  [ 07-07-2014  10:26:24.142 ] WARNING after gc filling: min. unk(ENER_VAR)=0.000000000000000 PE=0 block=3 type=1
>  [ 07-07-2014  10:26:24.143 ] WARNING after gc filling: min. unk(EINT_VAR)=0.000000000000000 PE=0 block=3 type=1
>  [ 07-07-2014  10:26:24.143 ] WARNING after gc filling: min. unk(DENS_VAR)=0.000000000000000000000 PE=0 block=4 type=1
>  [ 07-07-2014  10:26:24.143 ] WARNING after gc filling: min. unk(ENER_VAR)=0.000000000000000 PE=0 block=4 type=1
>  [ 07-07-2014  10:26:24.144 ] WARNING after gc filling: min. unk(EINT_VAR)=0.000000000000000 PE=0 block=4 type=1
>  [ 07-07-2014  10:26:24.144 ] WARNING after gc filling: min. unk(DENS_VAR)=0.000000000000000000000 PE=0 block=5 type=1
>  [ 07-07-2014  10:26:24.145 ] WARNING after gc filling: min. unk(ENER_VAR)=0.000000000000000 PE=0 block=5 type=1
>  [ 07-07-2014  10:26:24.145 ] WARNING after gc filling: min. unk(EINT_VAR)=0.000000000000000 PE=0 block=5 type=1
>  [ 07-07-2014  10:26:24.145 ] WARNING after gc filling: min. unk(DENS_VAR)=0.000000000000000000000 PE=0 block=6 type=1
>  [ 07-07-2014  10:26:24.146 ] WARNING after gc filling: min. unk(ENER_VAR)=0.000000000000000 PE=0 block=6 type=1
>  [ 07-07-2014  10:26:24.146 ] WARNING after gc filling: min. unk(EINT_VAR)=0.000000000000000 PE=0 block=6 type=1
>  [ 07-07-2014  10:26:24.146 ] WARNING after gc filling: min. unk(DENS_VAR)=0.000000000000000000000 PE=0 block=7 type=1
>  [ 07-07-2014  10:26:24.146 ] WARNING after gc filling: min. unk(ENER_VAR)=0.000000000000000 PE=0 block=7 type=1
>  [ 07-07-2014  10:26:24.147 ] WARNING after gc filling: min. unk(EINT_VAR)=0.000000000000000 PE=0 block=7 type=1
>  [ 07-07-2014  10:26:24.147 ] WARNING after gc filling: min. unk(DENS_VAR)=0.000000000000000000000 PE=0 block=8 type=1
>  [ 07-07-2014  10:26:24.147 ] WARNING after gc filling: min. unk(ENER_VAR)=0.000000000000000 PE=0 block=8 type=1
>  [ 07-07-2014  10:26:24.148 ] WARNING after gc filling: min. unk(EINT_VAR)=0.000000000000000 PE=0 block=8 type=1
>  [ 07-07-2014  10:26:24.148 ] WARNING after gc filling: min. unk(DENS_VAR)=0.000000000000000000000 PE=0 block=9 type=1
>  [ 07-07-2014  10:26:24.148 ] WARNING after gc filling: min. unk(ENER_VAR)=0.000000000000000 PE=0 block=9 type=1
>  [ 07-07-2014  10:26:24.148 ] WARNING after gc filling: min. unk(EINT_VAR)=0.000000000000000 PE=0 block=9 type=1
> On Jul 7, 2014, at 10:17 AM, Sean Couch <smc at flash.uchicago.edu> wrote:
>> Hi Luke, 
>> Could you send along your log file so that we can see exactly what setup and runtime parameters you’re using?
>> Cheers,
>> Sean
>> --------------------------------------------------------
>> Sean M. Couch
>> Hubble Fellow
>> Flash Center for Computational Science
>> Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics
>> The University of Chicago
>> 5747 S Ellis Ave, Jo 315
>> Chicago, IL  60637
>> (773) 702-3899
>> www.flash.uchicago.edu/~smc
>> On Jul 6, 2014, at 11:06 AM, Luke Zoltan Kelley <lkelley at cfa.harvard.edu> wrote:
>>> Hello flash-users!
>>> I'm new to FLASH and trying to convert a simulation from cartesian to (3D) spherical, but I'm running into some errors.  If anyone has had recent success using 3D spherical, I would be very appreciative of any tips they had, or issues they overcame.  In particular, I'm getting a warning from source/Grid/GridMain/paramesh/paramesh4/gr_sanitizeDataAfterInterp.F90 that my guard-cells aren't being set correctly:
>>> WARNING after gc filling: min. unk(DENS_VAR)=0.000000000000000000000          PE=0     block=1                         type=2                               
>>> 16   0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0   0.0      0.0      0.0    
>>> 15   0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0   0.0      0.0      0.0    
>>> 14   0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0   0.0      0.0      0.0    
>>> 13   0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0   0.0      0.0      0.0    
>>> 12  0.10E-18 0.63E-01 0.63E-01 0.62E-01 0.62E-01 0.63E-01 0.63E-01 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18
>>> 11  0.10E-18 0.63E-01 0.62E-01 0.63E-01 0.63E-01 0.62E-01 0.63E-01 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18
>>> 10  0.10E-18 0.62E-01 0.62E-01 0.63E-01 0.63E-01 0.62E-01 0.62E-01 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18
>>> 9  0.10E-18 0.63E-01 0.63E-01 0.62E-01 0.62E-01 0.63E-01 0.63E-01 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18
>>> 8  0.10E-18 0.62E-01 0.63E-01 0.63E-01 0.63E-01 0.63E-01 0.62E-01 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18
>>> 7  0.10E-18 0.63E-01 0.62E-01 0.62E-01 0.62E-01 0.62E-01 0.63E-01 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18
>>> 6  0.10E-18 0.62E-01 0.63E-01 0.62E-01 0.62E-01 0.63E-01 0.62E-01 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18
>>> 5  0.10E-18 0.62E-01 0.63E-01 0.63E-01 0.63E-01 0.63E-01 0.62E-01 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18 0.10E-18
>>> 4   0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0   0.0      0.0      0.0    
>>> 3   0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0   0.0      0.0      0.0    
>>> 2   0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0   0.0      0.0      0.0    
>>> 1   0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0      0.0   0.0      0.0      0.0    
>>> These warnings are given for DENS_VAR, ENER_VAR, EINT_VAR and all blocks.
>>> (presumably) for this reason I'm getting arithmetic exceptions when source/physics/Eos/EosMain/Gamma/eos_idealGamma.F90 tries to divide by the (zero) densities, the backtrace I get is:
>>> Program received signal EXC_ARITHMETIC, Arithmetic exception.
>>> 0x000000010024cf6e in eos_idealgamma_ (mode=103, veclen=8, eosdata=(), vecbegin=Cannot access memory at address 0x0
>>> ) at eos_idealGamma.F90:341
>>> 341	                                   eosData(dens+ilo:dens+ihi)
>>> (gdb) bt
>>> #0  0x000000010024cf6e in eos_idealgamma_ (mode=103, veclen=8, eosdata=(), vecbegin=Cannot access memory at address 0x0
>>> ) at eos_idealGamma.F90:341
>>> #1  0x000000010001149b in eos_ (mode=103, veclen=8, eosdata=(), massfrac=(), mask=(.FALSE., .FALSE., .FALSE., .FALSE., .FALSE., .FALSE., .FALSE., .FALSE., .FALSE., .FALSE., .FALSE., .FALSE., .FALSE.), vecbegin=Cannot access memory at address 0x0
>>> ) at Eos.F90:265
>>> #2  0x000000010001edea in eos_wrapped_ (mode=103, range=(( 5, 12) ( 1, 4) ( 1, 1) ), blockid=1, griddatastruct=Cannot access memory at address 0x0
>>> ) at Eos_wrapped.F90:220
>>> #3  0x0000000100019b15 in complexskipping.1886 () at Eos_guardCells.F90:43
>>> #4  0x000000010001afd8 in eos_guardcells_ (corners=.TRUE., layers=(4, 4, 4), skipsrl=.TRUE.) at Eos_guardCells.F90:120
>>> #5  0x00000001000322d7 in grid_fillguardcells_ (griddatastruct=380, idir=-1, minlayers=Cannot access memory at address 0x0
>>> ) at Grid_fillGuardCells.F90:482
>>> #6  0x000000010006340e in grid_markrefinederefine_ () at Grid_markRefineDerefine.F90:98
>>> #7  0x000000010029eec2 in gr_expanddomain_ (particlesinitialized=.FALSE.) at gr_expandDomain.F90:212
>>> #8  0x0000000100061385 in grid_initdomain_ (restart=.FALSE., particlesinitialized=.FALSE.) at Grid_initDomain.F90:98
>>> #9  0x000000010000d405 in driver_initflash_ () at Driver_initFlash.F90:156
>>> #10 0x000000010001f19c in flash () at Flash.F90:49
>>> #11 0x000000010001f20e in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fff5fbff870 '/Users/lzkelley/Applications/flash/flash4.2.2/object_starwind/flash4\000') at Flash.F90:43
>>> In my Simulation_initBlock.F90, I am looping over the guard-cells and setting all densities to non-zero values --- if I print out the densities during the initialization loop I get the appropriate densities from i,j,k = {1,1,1} up to {16,16,16} --- so it seems like the guard-cells are being overwritten to zero...
>>> This does not occur in 3D cartesian, and also does *not* occur when I run SodSpherical (which seems to work properly, strangely enough).
>>> I believe I've also found a bug in source/physics/Hydro/HydroMain/split/PPM/PPMKernel/avisco.F90:416, when sweeping along "y" (theta) in 3D spherical the denominator [ 'sin(xl(i))' ] is allowed to be zero and causes arithmetic exceptions.
>>> Any help on this particular problem, or on getting spherical running in general would be greatly appreciated!
>>> Thanks,
>>> Luke

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