[FLASH-USERS] flmake not picking up files in proj/simulations

Slavin, Jonathan jslavin at cfa.harvard.edu
Fri Jun 13 11:45:51 EDT 2014


Maybe this is another issue for Anthony Scopatz, or maybe someone else who
has used flmake can help.

For some reason flmake build is not picking up routines that are under
(project directory)/simulations.  In particular I altered
Simulation_init.F90 under my (project directory)/simulations/Sedov
directory and it was not picked up -- as demonstrated by the fact that a
write statement didn't produce output.  Also, as it turns out, I had a bug
in the program which showed up when I copied my version over to
FLASH4.2.1/source/Simulation/SimulationMain/Sedov at which point it was
picked up by flmake build.

Any ideas what could cause that?  Where does flmake get its search path?


Jonathan D. Slavin                 Harvard-Smithsonian CfA
jslavin at cfa.harvard.edu       60 Garden Street, MS 83
phone: (617) 496-7981       Cambridge, MA 02138-1516
fax: (617) 496-7577            USA
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