[FLASH-USERS] Plotting particle positions

Mark L Richardson Mark.L.Richardson at asu.edu
Tue Nov 18 04:37:10 EST 2014

If I remember correctly, particle data cannot be added to the plot files.
Instead all particle variables are found in the particle files and in the
checkpoint files under tracer\ particles. The variable names are defined in
particle\ names.

If you want to see the particle data in the grid (assuming active
particles) then add pden to your plot_vars, as that's the density from
particles mapped to the grid for the gravity solver.

I'm as yet unfamiliar with how yt handles particles in FLASH, but pre-3.0
you needed to use the checkpoint file if you wanted yt to see them. There
may be a way now to read the particle files, but I'm not sure. I don't have
experience with Visit, sorry.

Good luck,

On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 8:31 PM, Joshua Wall <joshua.e.wall at gmail.com>

> Dear Users,
>     I'm having some difficultly plotting particles in either Visit or yt.
> Initially I thought it might be my particular script, but now I'm just
> trying to plot the particle in the Sink Momentum Test problem. When I load
> the plot files, I don't see a particle subset in Visit. When I load the
> checkpoint files or the particle files I see a subset named Particles,
> which has posx, posy, and posz. However attempting to scatter plot these is
> unsuccessful.
>    In my own script, I don't see anything called Particles in the
> checkpoint or particle files, even though I used the Sink Momentum Test par
> and config files as a template. If I look at the particle files using
> HDFView, I don't see anything labelled "posx", "posy" or "posz".
>    The Sink Momentum Test is being run unedited. My own config file
> contains:
> REQUIRES Particles/ParticlesMain/active/Sink
> REQUIRES physics/Gravity/GravityMain/Poisson
> REQUIRES physics/sourceTerms/Polytrope/PolytropeMain
>     and my par file has:
> plot_var_12 = "posx"
> plot_var_13 = "posy"
> plot_var_14 = "posz"
> useParticles              = .true.
> useSinkParticles          = .true.
>    among other things.
>    Can anyone enlighten me on the necessary switches I need to throw in
> the config and par files that I am missing to make sure all the data is
> there to plot? I should note that for my application I'm specifically
> needing to use sink particles (star cluster in a gas).
> Thanks,
> Joshua Wall
> Doctoral Candidate
> Department of Physics
> Drexel University

Mark Richardson,
Mark.L.Richardson at asu.edu
Ph.D. Astrophysics
Beecroft Postdoctoral Fellow
Department of Physics, University of Oxford
+44 7445 922707
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