[FLASH-USERS] Disable particles
Petros Tzeferacos
petros.tzeferacos at flash.uchicago.edu
Tue Nov 18 16:30:06 EST 2014
That is correct, maxPerProc can be ignored for your case (no Particles
-- Petros
On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 3:07 PM, pchang <pchang at lle.rochester.edu> wrote:
> Hi Petros,
> Thank you.
> I will try to increase my ed_maxRayCount runtime parameter. But how about
> pt_maxPerProc? I set it in flash.par and found it is listed under "Ignored
> Parameters". I believe it is because I don't have the unit (particle
> unit?). Do I need to include that? or do I just increase my ed_maxRayCount
> and ignore pt_maxPerProc?
> Po-Yu
> On 11/18/2014 4:04 PM, Petros Tzeferacos wrote:
> Hi Po-Yu,
> the error message you are having is misleading.
> As Norbert mentioned, the particles used by the laser unit are a different
> beast altogether but share some of the infrastructure. To allow for more
> rays you need to increase your ed_maxRayCount runtime parameter in the
> flash.par, making sure that the total number of rays you are launching does
> not exceed this number.
> I'll update the error message to reflect this.
> Best,
> -- Petros
> On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 2:36 PM, Norbert Flocke <flocke at flash.uchicago.edu
> > wrote:
>> Hi Po-Yu,
>> The +laser setup uses -without-unit=Particles, which means that the
>> Particles unit is dissabled. What the laser uses is the Grid/GridParticles
>> routines to 'handle' particles. The rays from the laser are treated
>> as particles when moving them through the grid. So the particles unit is
>> different from the actual tools (sitting in the Grid unit) that are used
>> to move the particles (in your case the rays) through the grid.
>> Best regards,
>> Norbert
>> On Tue, 18 Nov 2014, pchang wrote:
>> Hi John,
>>> Yes. That's what I did also. More precisely, I tried two ways: (1)have
>>> useParticles = .false. in flash.par (2) have setup variable +laser which
>>> automatically set -without-unit=Particles.
>>> I think in the log file, it shows "useParticles=F" just to show the run
>>> time setting. So I believe the particle unit has been disable. And that's
>>> why it doesn't make sense to me when I have an error about particle number
>>> when I don't have the unit
>>> Best,
>>> Po-Yu
>>> On 11/18/2014 3:17 PM, John ZuHone wrote:
>>>> Hi Po-Yu,
>>>> Silly question, but in the flash.par, you set
>>>> useParticles = .false.
>>>> not
>>>> useParticles=F
>>>> correct?
>>>> Best,
>>>> John
>>>> On Nov 18, 2014, at 3:13 PM, pchang <pchang at lle.rochester.edu> wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> I am doing simulation for imploding cylindrical target using lasers. I
>>>>> am using the hydrodynamics units and don't use the particles unit. In the
>>>>> list of RuntimeParameters in the log file, I also have useparticles=F. So,
>>>>> I believe I don't have the particles unit in the simulations. It works fine
>>>>> when I have less than two laser beams. However, when I added more beams,
>>>>> the simulation stopped and gave an error:
>>>>> Overflow! Mesh PE 9 , gettingFrom 2 , recvCount
>>>>> 8068 , max particles 10000
>>>>> DRIVER_ABORT: [gr_ptMove]: Insufficient space in particles
>>>>> communication buffer: increase pt_maxPerProc
>>>>> So, my questions are:
>>>>> (1) I thought the particle unit was not used. Why did it consider the
>>>>> number of max particles.
>>>>> (2) If I have to have the particle unit, when can I increase
>>>>> pt_maxPerProc ? in the flash.par? or as setup variable?
>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>> Po-Yu
>>>>> --
>>>>> Po-Yu Chang
>>>>> Postdoc
>>>>> Fusion Science Center,
>>>>> Laboratory for Laser Energetics
>>>>> University of Rochester
>>>>> 250 East River Road
>>>>> Rochester, New York 14623
>>>>> Phone: (585) 273-5179 <%28585%29%20273-5179>
>>>>> FAX: (585) 275-5960 <%28585%29%20275-5960>
>>>>> pchang at lle.rochester.edu
>>> --
>>> Po-Yu Chang
>>> Postdoc
>>> Fusion Science Center,
>>> Laboratory for Laser Energetics
>>> University of Rochester
>>> 250 East River Road
>>> Rochester, New York 14623
>>> Phone: (585) 273-5179
>>> FAX: (585) 275-5960
>>> pchang at lle.rochester.edu
> --
> /* ************************************************* *
> Petros Tzeferacos, PhD
> Research Scientist,
> Associate Director & Code Group Leader,
> Flash Center for Computational Science,
> Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics,
> University of Chicago.
> 5747 S. Ellis Ave, Jones Lab. room 317
> Chicago, IL 60637
> Tel. 773-834-3236
> petros.tzeferacos at flash.uchicago.edu
> * ************************************************* */
> --
> Po-Yu Chang
> Postdoc
> Fusion Science Center,
> Laboratory for Laser Energetics
> University of Rochester
> 250 East River Road
> Rochester, New York 14623
> Phone: (585) 273-5179
> FAX: (585) 275-5960pchang at lle.rochester.edu
/* ************************************************* *
Petros Tzeferacos, PhD
Research Scientist,
Associate Director & Code Group Leader,
Flash Center for Computational Science,
Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics,
University of Chicago.
5747 S. Ellis Ave, Jones Lab. room 317
Chicago, IL 60637
Tel. 773-834-3236
petros.tzeferacos at flash.uchicago.edu
* ************************************************* */
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