[FLASH-USERS] Some issue running the Blast Wave with Thermal Conduction test

Ernesto Zurbriggen ernesto at mail.oac.uncor.edu
Fri Oct 3 17:40:47 EDT 2014

Hello all!

I started running the supplied "Blast Wave with Thermal Conduction"  
test problem in the flash4.2.2 release. The code seems to run well but  
it prints out a sort of warning between each time step (see below for  
the first 10 time steps).
This seems to be an issue with the hypre-related subroutine "gr_hypreSolve".

Does anybody know if things are going well in spite of this warning?

I followed exactly the setup given by the manual's page 452.

This is: setup -auto ReinickeMeyer -1d +pm4dev +spherical  

To be able of manage the thermal conductivity, I proved with the  
hypre-2.80b and hypre-2.90b libraries. Same result!

I also ran this test problem with flash4.0 release, same setup, and it  
did not appear this issue.

Thank you very much!

################# SCREEN PRINTS ########################

fernesto at pc:~/flash4.2.2/object$ ./flash4

  NOTE: Enabling curvilinear,  
cartesian_pm/cylindrical_pm/spherical_pm/polar_pm  so far was F F F F
  MaterialProperties initialized
  Cosmology initialized
  Source terms initialized
   iteration, no. not moved =            0           0
  refined: total leaf blocks =            4
  refined: total blocks =            4
  [amr_morton_process]: Initializing surr_blks using standard orrery  
  INFO: Grid_fillGuardCells is ignoring masking.
   Finished with Grid_initDomain, no restart
  Ready to call Hydro_init
  Info: Hydro_init has set hy_specialFluxVars to            3
  Hydro initialized
  Gravity initialized
  Initial dt verified
  *** Wrote checkpoint file to sedov_hdf5_chk_0000 ****
  *** Wrote plotfile to sedov_hdf5_plt_cnt_0000 ****
  Initial plotfile written
  Driver init all done
[gr_hypreSolve]: Nonconv./failure ierr=1, descr=[Generic error],  
component=0, converged=F, |initial RHS|^2=Infinity, num_iterations=0,  
        n          t         dt  (         x,          y,          z)  
|  dt_hydro  dt_Diff
        1 1.0000E-31 1.2000E-31  ( 9.990E+02,  9.990E+02,  9.990E+02)  
|  8.000E+99 4.883+125
[gr_hypreSolve]: Nonconv./failure ierr=1, descr=[Generic error],  
component=0, converged=F, |initial RHS|^2=Infinity, num_iterations=0,  
        2 2.2000E-31 1.4400E-31  ( 9.990E+02,  9.990E+02,  9.990E+02)  
|  8.000E+99 4.883+125
[gr_hypreSolve]: Nonconv./failure ierr=1, descr=[Generic error],  
component=0, converged=F, |initial RHS|^2=Infinity, num_iterations=0,  
        3 3.6400E-31 1.7280E-31  ( 9.990E+02,  9.990E+02,  9.990E+02)  
|  8.000E+99 4.883+125
[gr_hypreSolve]: Nonconv./failure ierr=1, descr=[Generic error],  
component=0, converged=F, |initial RHS|^2=Infinity, num_iterations=0,  
        4 5.3680E-31 2.0736E-31  ( 9.990E+02,  9.990E+02,  9.990E+02)  
|  8.000E+99 4.883+125
[gr_hypreSolve]: Nonconv./failure ierr=1, descr=[Generic error],  
component=0, converged=F, |initial RHS|^2=Infinity, num_iterations=0,  
        5 7.4416E-31 2.4883E-31  ( 9.990E+02,  9.990E+02,  9.990E+02)  
|  8.000E+99 4.883+125
[gr_hypreSolve]: Nonconv./failure ierr=1, descr=[Generic error],  
component=0, converged=F, |initial RHS|^2=Infinity, num_iterations=0,  
        6 9.9299E-31 2.9860E-31  ( 9.990E+02,  9.990E+02,  9.990E+02)  
|  8.000E+99 4.883+125
[gr_hypreSolve]: Nonconv./failure ierr=1, descr=[Generic error],  
component=0, converged=F, |initial RHS|^2=Infinity, num_iterations=0,  
        7 1.2916E-30 3.5832E-31  ( 9.990E+02,  9.990E+02,  9.990E+02)  
|  8.000E+99 4.883+125
[gr_hypreSolve]: Nonconv./failure ierr=1, descr=[Generic error],  
component=0, converged=F, |initial RHS|^2=Infinity, num_iterations=0,  
        8 1.6499E-30 4.2998E-31  ( 9.990E+02,  9.990E+02,  9.990E+02)  
|  8.000E+99 4.883+125
[gr_hypreSolve]: Nonconv./failure ierr=1, descr=[Generic error],  
component=0, converged=F, |initial RHS|^2=Infinity, num_iterations=0,  
        9 2.0799E-30 5.1598E-31  ( 9.990E+02,  9.990E+02,  9.990E+02)  
|  8.000E+99 4.883+125
[gr_hypreSolve]: Nonconv./failure ierr=1, descr=[Generic error],  
component=0, converged=F, |initial RHS|^2=Infinity, num_iterations=0,  
       10 2.5959E-30 6.1917E-31  ( 9.990E+02,  9.990E+02,  9.990E+02)  
|  8.000E+99 4.883+125

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