[FLASH-USERS] Strange error from Driver

Joshua Wall joshua.e.wall at gmail.com
Thu Apr 23 09:14:51 EDT 2015

I've been tracking the error down a bit more, here's what I can add.

    The call for Driver_abortFlash is coming from
amr_prolong_gen_unk1_fun.F90 which is trying to call the umap3 subroutine
in umap.F (for interpolation between different sized grids?). Error 421
specifically states in umap3:

        ier = 421
        do ii = 2,mx
           if ( xx(ii-1).gt.xx(ii) ) return
        end do

There are a LOT of variables in this subroutine, and its a bit hard to
follow what this is checking. So I'm having trouble parsing out much past
this point. I might add that these runs are across multiple nodes on a
Beowulf cluster (the first I've attempted like this) and its the first time
I've seen this error. Oddly enough, my first run was fine until I got a
hang during a refinement iteration (probably because I either ran out of
processors or memory). Then when I tried to make a few changes to add some
procs, I have gotten this error. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 6:53 PM Joshua Wall <joshua.e.wall at gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Users,
>     I'm receiving an odd error from FLASH and I'm not sure how to
> interpret it. Perhaps someone can enlighten me? Its:
>  **ERROR** - ierr from UMAPn is          421 , isg=           4
>  DRIVER_ABORT: ERROR - ierr from UMAPn is not 0
> Cordially,
> Josh
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