[FLASH-USERS] Strange error from Driver

Joshua Wall joshua.e.wall at gmail.com
Thu Apr 23 10:54:20 EDT 2015


    My setup line is:

./setup SinkRotating -a -3d -site=draco -parfile="flash.par.1000M" +uhd

where I've modified the par file to make the cloud 1000M and extended the
refinement to 30 levels (along with the required changes to the sink
threshold density and accr radius).


On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 10:18 AM Tomasz Plewa <tplewa at fsu.edu> wrote:

>  Dear Joshua -
> Multidimensional conservative mapping is complicated. The original package
> came from NCAR, and adapting and extending it to the needs of hydro
> applications (first AMRA, then FLASH) was quite an adventure.
> I have seen this kind of error ages ago. It means that coordinates are
> non-monotonic.  The most likely cause is the geometry of your blocks is
> not passed correctly to the mapping package.
> What is your setup line? Some memory-related entities are hardwired and
> you might simply be exceeding those limits.
> Tomek
> --
> On 04/23/15 09:14, Joshua Wall wrote:
>   I've been tracking the error down a bit more, here's what I can add.
>      The call for Driver_abortFlash is coming from
> amr_prolong_gen_unk1_fun.F90 which is trying to call the umap3 subroutine
> in umap.F (for interpolation between different sized grids?). Error 421
> specifically states in umap3:
>         ier = 421
>         do ii = 2,mx
>            if ( xx(ii-1).gt.xx(ii) ) return
>         end do
>  There are a LOT of variables in this subroutine, and its a bit hard to
> follow what this is checking. So I'm having trouble parsing out much past
> this point. I might add that these runs are across multiple nodes on a
> Beowulf cluster (the first I've attempted like this) and its the first time
> I've seen this error. Oddly enough, my first run was fine until I got a
> hang during a refinement iteration (probably because I either ran out of
> processors or memory). Then when I tried to make a few changes to add some
> procs, I have gotten this error. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>  Josh
> On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 6:53 PM Joshua Wall <joshua.e.wall at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>>   Dear Users,
>>      I'm receiving an odd error from FLASH and I'm not sure how to
>> interpret it. Perhaps someone can enlighten me? Its:
>>  **ERROR** - ierr from UMAPn is          421 , isg=           4
>>  DRIVER_ABORT: ERROR - ierr from UMAPn is not 0
>>  Cordially,
>>  Josh
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