[FLASH-USERS] Two questions from a newbie, thanks!

Di Sheng disheng222 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 6 11:38:21 EST 2015

Hi Po-Yu,
Many thanks!
It's very helpful.


2015-02-06 10:27 GMT-06:00 pchang <pchang at lle.rochester.edu>:

>  Hi Sheng,
> For your first question, since I never got the error "Assertion `dataset
> >= 0' failed", I can't say too much about it.
> About the group frequency, you may try the example "LaserSlab" (section
> 25.7.5 in the flash user's guide) or look at the flash.par in that example.
> Following are the section in my flash.par . The group bounds (rt_mgdBounds)
> needs to match what is given in the table. You can find the format of the
> table in section 21.4.3 in the flash user's guide.
> Cheers,
> Po-Yu
> ########################################
> #                                      #
> #                                      #
> ########################################
> rt_useMGD       = .true.
> rt_mgdNumGroups = 12
> rt_mgdBounds_1  = 1.0e-02
> rt_mgdBounds_2  = 3.831e-02
> rt_mgdBounds_3  = 1.468e-01
> rt_mgdBounds_4  = 5.623e-01
> rt_mgdBounds_5  = 2.154e+00
> rt_mgdBounds_6  = 8.254e+00
> rt_mgdBounds_7  = 3.162e+01
> rt_mgdBounds_8  = 1.212e+02
> rt_mgdBounds_9  = 4.642e+02
> rt_mgdBounds_10  = 1.778e+03
> rt_mgdBounds_11  = 6.813e+03
> rt_mgdBounds_12  = 2.610e+04
> rt_mgdBounds_13  = 1.0e+05
> rt_mgdFlMode    = "fl_harmonic"
> rt_mgdFlCoef    = 1.0
> rt_mgdXlBoundaryType = "reflecting"
> rt_mgdXrBoundaryType = "vacuum"
> rt_mgdYlBoundaryType = "vacuum"
> rt_mgdYrBoundaryType = "vacuum"
> rt_mgdZlBoundaryType = "reflecting"
> rt_mgdZrBoundaryType = "reflecting"
> useOpacity     = .true.
> op_gasAbsorb   = "op_tabpa"
> op_gasEmiss    = "op_tabpe"
> op_gasTrans    = "op_tabro"
> op_gasFileType = "ionmix4"
> op_gasFileName =
> "DD_0p01Ar_T0p01-1e5_Rho1e16-1e26_vu12_0p01-1e5_Zmin0p01.cn4"
> op_chamAbsorb   = "op_tabpa"
> op_chamEmiss    = "op_tabpe"
> op_chamTrans    = "op_tabro"
> op_chamFileType = "ionmix4"
> op_chamFileName = "DD_T0p01-1e5_Rho1e16-1e26_vu12_0p01-1e5.cn4"
> op_targAbsorb   = "op_tabpa"
> op_targEmiss    = "op_tabpe"
> op_targTrans    = "op_tabro"
> op_targFileType = "ionmix4"
> op_targFileName = "CH_T0p01-1e5_Rho1e16-1e26_vu12_0p01-1e5.cn4"
> --
> Po-Yu Chang
> Postdoctoral Associate
> Department of Mechanical Engineering,
> Fusion Science Center for Extreme States of Matter,
> Laboratory for Laser Energetics
> University of Rochester
> 250 East River Road
> Rochester, New York 14623
> Phone: (585) 273-5179
> FAX: (585) 275-5960pchang at lle.rochester.edu
> On 2/6/2015 11:04 AM, Di Sheng wrote:
> Hi Po-Yu,
> Thanks a lot for your help!
> As for the first question, after adding "+hdf5typeio" (i.e., ./setup -auto
> Cellular +hdf5typeio parallelIO=False), I still got the same errors
> (Assertion `dataset >= 0' failed). In fact, when I use "./setup -auto
> Cellular +ug", the errors will disappear and the execution goes well. There
> must be some reason for it. I mean, should I adopt some "-with-unit=...."
> for Cellular or some more settings for setup ?
>  As for the second question, I didn't set the group in the flash.par.
> Could you tell me how to specify the group frequency?
> Did I miss any other parameters?
>  ps. My objective is just to run this application normally, so as to
> evaluate my own MPI middleware. That's it. I'll be happy as long as it can
> be run, no matter what kind of settings/parameters are used.
>  Many thanks again!
>  Best
> Sheng
> http://www.mcs.anl.gov/~shdi
> 2015-02-06 9:45 GMT-06:00 pchang <pchang at lle.rochester.edu>:
>> Hi Sheng,
>> For your first question, you may try adding "+hdf5typeio" in your setup.
>> For your second question, did you specify the radiation/opacity group
>> frequency in the flash.par and xe-100grp-lte.imx? Are the specified the
>> same?
>> Po-Yu
>> --
>> Po-Yu Chang
>> Postdoctoral Associate
>> Department of Mechanical Engineering,
>> Fusion Science Center for Extreme States of Matter,
>> Laboratory for Laser Energetics
>> University of Rochester
>> 250 East River Road
>> Rochester, New York 14623
>> Phone: (585) 273-5179
>> FAX: (585) 275-5960
>> pchang at lle.rochester.edu
>> On 2/5/2015 6:08 PM, Di Sheng wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I am a newbie of FLASH. I ran into the following problems which already
>>> bothered me for a long while. Could any one answer any one of them? many
>>> thanks!
>>> 1. How to deal with "Assertion `dataset >= 0' failed"?
>>> "./setup -auto Cellular" success, and "make" is also successful.
>>> However, when I run "mpirun -np 1 flash4", it shows the following errors:
>>> HDF5-DIAG: Error detected in HDF5 (1.8.14) thread 0:
>>>   #000: H5Ddeprec.c line 178 in H5Dcreate1(): not a location ID
>>>     major: Invalid arguments to routine
>>>     minor: Inappropriate type
>>>   #001: H5Gloc.c line 253 in H5G_loc(): invalid object ID
>>>     major: Invalid arguments to routine
>>>     minor: Bad value
>>> flash4: io_h5create_dataset.c:57: io_h5create_dataset: Assertion
>>> `dataset >= 0' failed.
>>> Program received signal SIGABRT: Process abort signal.
>>>  .......
>>> The same situation goes to the "Jeans" application
>>> (SimulationMain/Jeans).
>>> 2. As for MGDInfinite, I setup it as follows:
>>> ./setup -auto MGDInfinite -1d +hdf5typeio +mtmmmt +mgd +uhd3t
>>> -with-unit=physics/materialProperties/Opacity/OpacityMain/Constant
>>> species=xe mgd_meshgroups=4 parallelIO=FALSE
>>> Then, I add the following lines to the flash.par:
>>> sim_xeMassFrac = 1
>>> eos_xeEosType = "eos_tab"
>>> eos_xeSubType = "ionmix4"
>>> eos_xeTableFile = "xe-100grp-lte.imx"
>>> However, when I run "mpirun -np 1 flash4", I got errors as follows:
>>>  [eos_tabBrowseIonmix4Tables] IONMIX4 file found: xe-100grp-lte.imx
>>>  in eos_inittabulated, tableName = xe-100grp-lte.imx
>>>  in eos_inittabulated, groupName = -none-
>>> At line 158 of file eos_tabReadIonmix4Tables.F90 (unit = 7, file =
>>> 'xe-100grp-lte.imx')
>>> Fortran runtime error: Bad value during integer read
>>> ------------
>>> Best
>>> Sheng
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