[FLASH-USERS] Are the applications listed in SimulationMain/ only test cases?

Di Sheng disheng222 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 6 16:34:16 EST 2015

Hi Dean,
Thanks so much for your patient answer, which is very helpful!


2015-02-06 14:39 GMT-06:00 Dean Townsley <Dean.M.Townsley at ua.edu>:

>  Hi Sheng,
> As far as I know it is a mixture of the two.  Some, maybe even most, of
> the things in SimulationMain are just test problems and some are more real
> science cases.  Though typically in the latter case, as you have mentioned,
> the default parameters in the parameter files distributed with flash may
> not be similar to those used in science runs, since the defaults are often
> those used in small scale testing rather than in full production.
> So both you and your supervisor are correct :)
> To give some examples...
> Sedov is largely a test problem
> Sod is also largely a test problem
> StirTurb I believe is a real stirred turbulence simulation used for
> science runs or at least similar to those from Benzi et al. (
> 2008PhRvL.100w4503B <http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2008PhRvL.100w4503B>).
> Cellular is a detonation simulation that appears to be at least quite
> similar to the basic setup used by Timmes et al. (2000ApJ...543..938T
> <http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2000ApJ...543..938T>).  Though I think the
> default parameters are a little odd due to the necessarily low resolution
> and I'm unsure if the way the "noise" is added is quite what one might
> expect.
> Flame1StageNoise is a test problem that is, I believe, still missing the
> "noise" part. (sorry about that!)  But it is similar to the setup used in
> Townsley et al. (2007ApJ...668.1118T
> <http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2007ApJ...668.1118T>) to measure acoustic
> noise generated by the flame propagation technique.
> RTFlame is a science setup to study Rayleigh-Taylor unstable flames (for
> Type Ia supernovae).  Similar to those in Khokhlov (1995ApJ...449..695K
> <http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1995ApJ...449..695K>), but post-dating
> that work by quite a bit.  I believe this has been used as an acceptance
> test problem on some big machines -- but, again, not with the parameters in
> the distributed parameter files.
> I'm sure there are other examples from other areas for both test and
> science setups, these are just some of the ones that I am familiar with.  I
> expect the CCSN setup is at least mostly similar to a real core collapse
> supernova setup.  I think there are some messages in the mailing list
> archive discussing this.  Also probably the difference between a "test"
> problem and a science problem is somewhat blurry in some cases.  Especially
> when the "science" is development of a computational technique or algorithm.
> Hopefully that helps,
> Dean
> On 02/05/2015 05:13 PM, Di Sheng wrote:
> Hi all,
> This may be a stupid question.
> Are the applications found in the SimulationMain/ just test cases (toy
> applications)?
>  In fact, I am looking for some real production HPC applications for
> evaluating our MPI error detector. My supervisor argued that these test
> cases are just toy applications. Instead, I need to use real production
> applications from real users.
> Could any one answer me?
>  From my point of view, these applications are real world applications.
> The users just need to tune the input parameters to fit their testing
> demand in most of cases. Am I right?
>  thanks!!
>  Best
> Sheng
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