[FLASH-USERS] HDF5 files to plot in Visit software

Sean Couch smc at flash.uchicago.edu
Mon Mar 2 10:26:15 EST 2015

+hdf5typeio does not change the output format and is not necessary for HDF5 output.  HDF5 output is the default in FLASH.  The +hdf5typeio flag switches to a new, derived-data type version of the IO unit that is more efficient and parallel.  

As for VisIt, it comes with a FLASH format plugin out-of-the-box.  As Po-Yu suggested, you may need to explicit specify the format as “FLASH” in the drop-down menu when opening a new dataset.  You can set FLASH as the default file format in VisIt’s plugin manager.


Sean M. Couch
Theoretical Astrophysics Including Relativity
California Institute of Technology
Mail Code 350-17
Pasadena, CA  91125
(626) 395-4282
www.tapir.caltech.edu/~smc <http://www.tapir.caltech.edu/~smc>
> On Mar 2, 2015, at 7:15 AM, pchang at lle.rochester.edu wrote:
> Hi Sijoy,
> If you have +hdf5typeio when you do the setup, the output can be open by visit directly. Normally, it recognizes the file type by itself so you just need to open the file. You may need to select the type to "flash" when you open the file in visit open window if visit doesn't recognize the file type by itself.
> Po-Yu 
> Po-Yu Chang
> Postdoc
> Fusion Science Center,
> Laboratory for Laser Energetics
> University of Rochester
> 250 East River Road
> Rochester, New York 14623
> Phone: (585) 273-5179
> FAX: (585) 275-5960
> pchang at lle.rochester.edu
> ----- Reply message -----
> From: "Sijoy C D" <cjoycd at gmail.com>
> To: <flash-users at flash.uchicago.edu>
> Subject: [FLASH-USERS] HDF5 files to plot in Visit software
> Date: Mon, Mar 2, 2015 07:46
> Dear All, 
> How the HDF5 output files generated by the FLASH code are converted to readable files for Visit plotting software ? 
> Could anyone help me on this?
> Thanks,
> --Sijoy C. D.

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