[FLASH-USERS] parallel hdf5 1.8.14-15 and FLASH 4.2.2

Salvatore Cielo cielo at mpia.de
Thu May 21 10:23:17 EDT 2015

Dear FLASH users,

I would like to report a problem I came across when using the most
recent version of FLASH and hdf5.
I haven't seen it reported beforehand; in case sorry for the repetition.

A setup with +parallelio or +hdf5typeio results in a compilation
error, since FLASH checks for the constants


which apparently have been removed from the newest hdf5 versions
(correct me if I am wrong, please).

I think this problem is not due to my own parallel instance of hdf5
1.8.14, because a serial output setup gives some similar problem.
And also I have never experienced this problem with FLASH 4.2, which
worked fine with my parallel installation of hdf5 1.8.14.

Just removing the check in io_h5_report_xfer_method.c seems to produce
a correct hdf5 output, but I cannot be 100% sure at this stage.

I hope this helps.

Salvatore Cielo

Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy
Koenigstuhl 17
D-69117 Heidelberg

Tel.: (++49|0) 6221 - 528-203
E-mail:  cielo at mpia.de

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