[FLASH-USERS] Occasional part file with forced plot file

Joshua Wall joshua.e.wall at gmail.com
Tue May 5 18:24:52 EDT 2015


   You are correct. I have already implemeted a stub for IO_outputFinal,
which has resolved it temporarily until I put in a more permanent solution.

Thank you,


On Tue, May 5, 2015 at 6:20 PM Klaus Weide <klaus at flash.uchicago.edu> wrote:

> On Sat, 2 May 2015, Joshua Wall wrote:
> > Dear users,
> >
> >     When I use FLASH I stop and start the Driver routine periodically
> > during a run. I've noticed when doing runs that occasionally when FLASH
> > makes a forced_plot file (because we've reached max_sim_time) it also
> makes
> > a particle file. Since I have many more regular plot files, this throws
> off
> > the syncing between my plot and particle files. It usually only does this
> > ~1 time in a 100 time steps. I've been outputting using:
> >
> >  53 plotFileIntervalStep           = 0
> >  54 plotFileIntervalTime           = 3.1536e9
> >  55 particleFileIntervalStep       = 0
> >  56 particleFileIntervalTime       = 3.1536e9
> >
> > in my par file. I can't seem to track down what is causing this behavior,
> > but I'd honestly rather just do without forced plot files altogether than
> > to have my files not synced. I've been browsing IO_output to try and
> either
> > disable forced plot files or make sure it doesn’t make a particle file
> when
> > it writes one, but can't quite track the the code. Any ideas on how I can
> > resolve this (possibly Klaus as I see your initials in IO_output...) ?
> Joshua,
> It seems that for consistency there should be a notion of "forced particle
> files" to parallel that of forced plotfiles, but currently there isn't.
> Maybe all you need to do to avoid the particle files you don't want is
> modify IO_outputFina.F90, which is where the forced plotfiles are usually
> written. Possibly just removing the line
>        call IO_writeParticles(.false.)
> there will give you the behavior you want.
> Klaus
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