[FLASH-USERS] Make error

Klaus Weide klaus at flash.uchicago.edu
Fri May 8 17:11:12 EDT 2015

On Fri, 8 May 2015, Joshua Wall wrote:

> Dear Flash users,
>     I'm currently running into a make error with the latest module addition
> to FLASH I'm trying to implement. When the linking is occurring, I get:
> gfortran:  amr_1blk_bcset.o: No such file or directory
> make: *** [flash4] Error 1


> For Reference, here's the whole linking line:
> Linking in Units and Libraries
> /cm/shared/apps/openmpi/gcc/64/1.6.5/bin/mpif90 -ggdb -o flash4 Burn.o
> Viscosity_interface.o \ amr_1blk_bcset.o amr_1blk_cc_cp_remote.o

Note the extra backslash on that line.
It seems that for some reason the linker thinks it should link the file
\ amr_1blk_bcset.o, that is, " amr_1blk_bcset.o" instead of 

I don't know  why - maybe that extra backslash is coming from one of 
your Makefiles.


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