[FLASH-USERS] Time and space dependent adiabatic index gamma
Marko Pavlovic
marko at matf.bg.ac.rs
Wed Oct 14 08:13:02 EDT 2015
Dear FLASH users and colleagues,
I'm working on a problem which requires time and space
dependent adiabatic index gamma, instead of a constant value
used in default implementation of EOS unit. Actually, I want
to implement gamma as grid data, having the different value
for each cell of the domain and it should be updated at each
time step.
Do you have some advice?
Thanks a lot in advance!
Best regards,
MSc Marko Pavlovic
Research Assistant
Department of Astronomy
Faculty of Mathematics
University of Belgrade
Studentski trg 16
11000 Belgrade, Serbia
+381 11-2027-827
marko at matf.bg.ac.rs
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