[FLASH-USERS] value of Ye for single species runs
John ZuHone
jzuhone at space.mit.edu
Fri Oct 2 16:50:18 EDT 2015
My bad, I looked in the wrong directory. Ernesto is right. Sorry about that!
> On Oct 2, 2015, at 4:45 PM, Ernesto Zurbriggen <ernesto at mail.oac.uncor.edu> wrote:
> Jon,
> looking at the end of the subroutine Eos/EosMain/Eos_getAbarZbar.F90 you can see for a single species run Ye=Zbar/Abar too. And I think that is not a stub implementation for the single-species gamma-law EOS.
> On the other hand, if you turn on the thermal conduction managed by Diffuse/Split or Diffuse/Unplit units, I think the runtime parameter "addThermalFlux" must be false. On the contrary, you might be taking into account thermal conduction twice, within the Diffuse unit and Hydro unit via hy_uhd_addThermalFluxes.F90
> Best!
> Quoting John ZuHone <jzuhone at space.mit.edu <mailto:jzuhone at space.mit.edu>>:
>> Just for reference, Jon and I have been discussing this off-list. The single-species gamma-law EOS only has a stub for this subroutine. I suggested copying the Eos_getAbarZbar stub to the simulation directory and changing it to set the quantities to whatever he needs, but as I am not familiar with this particular diffusion module I think someone with more knowledge should comment if this is the right way to go.
>>> On Oct 2, 2015, at 3:32 PM, Slavin, Jonathan <jslavin at cfa.harvard.edu> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have been doing runs trying to simulate the evaporation of interstellar clouds via thermal conduction. The runs have been working but the clouds are evaporating a bit faster than I expected. This led me to look into the implementation of flux limitation. Looking at diff_advanceTherm there is a call to Eos_getAbarZbar, which returns the value of Ye, but it's unclear what value will be returned for a single species run. I have been setting eos_singleSpeciesA and that seems to work as expected. I know in multispecies runs Ye = zbar/abar, so I wonder if its 1/abar. Can anyone help me out on this?
>>> Regards,
>>> Jon
>>> --
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>>> Jonathan D. Slavin Harvard-Smithsonian CfA
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