[FLASH-USERS] value of Ye for single species runs

Slavin, Jonathan jslavin at cfa.harvard.edu
Mon Oct 5 10:25:31 EDT 2015

​Hi Ernesto,

I don't specify the runtime parameter addThermalFlux.  Instead I set
diff_useEleCond, useConductivity, useDiffuse, and useDiffuseTherm to .true.
and specify
​REQUIRES physics/materialProperties/Conductivity/ConductivityMain/PowerLaw
REQUESTS physics/Diffuse/DiffuseMain/Unsplit
​Should I change one of those?​

​I note that in the log file that
hy_fluxrespresentation = fluxes
I'm not sure exactly what that means.  My goal here is to verfy that
​thermal conduction is operating as I expect by comparing evaporation of a
spherical cloud in 2D cylindrical symmetry with analytical results derived
for steady flow including saturation of thermal conduction (Dalton & Balbus


On Sat, Oct 3, 2015 at 1:00 PM, <flash-users-request at flash.uchicago.edu>

> From: Ernesto Zurbriggen <ernesto at mail.oac.uncor.edu>
> To: flash-users at flash.uchicago.edu
> Cc:
> Date: Fri, 02 Oct 2015 17:45:40 -0300
> Subject: Re: [FLASH-USERS] value of Ye for single species runs
> Jon,
> looking at the end of the subroutine Eos/EosMain/Eos_getAbarZbar.F90 you
> can see for a single species run Ye=Zbar/Abar too. And I think that is not
> a stub implementation for the single-species gamma-law EOS.
> On the other hand, if you turn on the thermal conduction managed by
> Diffuse/Split or Diffuse/Unplit units, I think the runtime parameter
> "addThermalFlux" must be false. On the contrary, you might be taking into
> account thermal conduction twice, within the Diffuse unit and Hydro unit
> via hy_uhd_addThermalFluxes.F90
> Best!

Jonathan D. Slavin                 Harvard-Smithsonian CfA
jslavin at cfa.harvard.edu       60 Garden Street, MS 83
phone: (617) 496-7981       Cambridge, MA 02138-1516
cell: (781) 363-0035             USA
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