[FLASH-USERS] simple code to start N-body simulations

Guido granda muñoz guidogranda at gmail.com
Mon Sep 21 12:19:30 EDT 2015

Hello Paulo,

I'm also interested on a modified version of Flash for cosmology, however I
think you'll have to modified by yourself since there is not a public
version for that. I found a presentation that maybe can be useful, you can
find it as an attached file. Another hint is that flash n-body solver is
not good at all, I saw an output of it and it doesn't give reasonable

Kind Regards,

2015-09-16 22:30 GMT-03:00 Paulo Alberto <condefoton at gmail.com>:

> Hello. I am starting with the use of the FLASH code to N-body simulations,
> and maybe simulate galaxy or evolution. To solve Poisson’s equation in
> gravitation.
> My request is to get a simple code for N-body problem and begin to
> understand with the use of FLASH. I appreciate so much.
> Tanks.--
> Att: Paulo A. Rodríguez H.
> E-mail: condefoton at gmail.com

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