[FLASH-USERS] Test Problem Magnetized Torus

Jin, Xingren xingren.jin at stud.uni-goettingen.de
Fri Feb 12 07:58:32 EST 2016

Hello everyone,

I am trying to simulation a magnetized torus with 2.5D cylindrical geometry around a point mass. In the FLASH USER GUIDE there is an example of 2D magnetized torus. According to  http://flash.uchicago.edu/pipermail/flash-users/2012-September/001163.html, I use +usm in the setup line and angular field is conserved in Config file. But It is not successful. I do not get the 2.5D simulation.

some of the unsplit staggered mesh MHD solver setups are as follow:
order = 3
slopeLimiter = "vanLeer"
RiemannSolver = "HLLC"
conserveAngField = .true.

Could anyone who has successful experience give me some suggestions? I would appreciate hearing about any kindly advice.

Best wishes

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