[FLASH-USERS] energy inaccuracy in Sedov simulation

Slavin, Jonathan jslavin at cfa.harvard.edu
Tue Jul 26 10:30:30 EDT 2016

Hi all,

I've been running supernova remnant evolution simulations.  The
initialization is done with code taken from the supplied Sedov simulation
with certain small changes.  One issue that I've run into is that the total
energy is not very accurate.  That is, though the energy is conserved, the
total energy, initially input as thermal energy, is below that which is
given in the sim_expEnergy parameter by ~5%.  Has anyone else run into
this?  I don't think that it has to do with any of the changes that I've
made to Simulation_initBlock or Simulation_init.  I'm wondering if
increasing the sim_nsubzones parameter might help.  Any advice would be


Jonathan D. Slavin                 Harvard-Smithsonian CfA
jslavin at cfa.harvard.edu       60 Garden Street, MS 83
phone: (617) 496-7981       Cambridge, MA 02138-1516
cell: (781) 363-0035             USA
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