[FLASH-USERS] Compiling FLASH4.3

Dominik Derigs derigs at ph1.uni-koeln.de
Wed Jul 20 05:04:13 EDT 2016

Hey Ritam,

Note that with Ubuntu it is *not* needed to install/compile any library!
Everything can be covered by libraries that are available through the usual
Ubuntu package management system.
I described a procedure some while ago that enables you to install FLASH in
less than five minutes on any Ubuntu machine (also applies to Linux Mint
and others). You just have to do four easy steps:

   1. Download/extract latest version of FLASH
   2. Use the command provided below to install MPI and HDF5
   3. Use one of the provided Makefile.h (see attachment)
   4. Setup, compile and run FLASH.

I will forward you the commands that I used for installing FLASH on Ubuntu
14.04 and 16.04 so 15.04 might need a mixture:

Ubuntu 14.04
sudo apt-get install mpich2 libmpich-dev libhdf5-7 libhdf5-dev

Ubuntu 16.04
sudo apt-get install mpich libmpich-dev libhdf5-dev libhdf5-mpich-dev

Note that by these commands, also mpich will be installed. Also note that
the Makefiles are tuned such that they worked for me. It might be that you
have to modify something, but I think it is unlikely.

Maybe we should add this to some official place like the FLASH manual?

Best regards,

2016-07-20 10:00 GMT+02:00 Ritam Mallick <mallick at iiserb.ac.in>:

> Dear Convenor,
> I am an new member in the FLASH community. I am trying to compile
> FLASH4.3. However I cannot do that and it is showing some error. I am using
> ubuntu 15.04 platform. The error is shown during the running of make. There
> is no error if I choose +noio option. However, then I do not get any
> output. The problem is maybe linked to the linking of HDF5 files. However I
> cannot debug the error.
> I am using the particular Makefile (attatched). The error message is as
> follows ..
> /usr/bin/mpif90 -ggdb -c -O2 -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8
> -Wuninitialized  -DMAXBLOCKS=1000 -DNXB=8 -DNYB=8 -DNZB=1 -DN_DIM=2
> Hydro_recalibrateEints.F90
> /usr/bin/mpif90 -ggdb -c -O2 -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8
> -Wuninitialized  -DMAXBLOCKS=1000 -DNXB=8 -DNYB=8 -DNZB=1 -DN_DIM=2
> gr_xyzToBlock.F90
> /usr/bin/mpicc -I/usr/home/ritam/hdf5-1.8.4-patch1/hdf5/include -ggdb -c
> -O2 -Wuninitialized -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -DMAXBLOCKS=1000 -DNXB=8 -DNYB=8
> -DNZB=1 -DN_DIM=2 io_attribute.c
> In file included from io_h5_attribute.h:7:0,
>                  from io_attribute.h:13,
>                  from io_attribute.c:1:
> io_h5_type.h:7:18: fatal error: hdf5.h: No such file or directory
>  #include <hdf5.h>
>                   ^
> compilation terminated.
> Makefile:123: recipe for target 'io_attribute.o' failed
> make: *** [io_attribute.o] Error 1
> Hope you can help me in this regard.
> Best Regards,
> Ritam Mallick

Dominik Derigs
I. Physikalisches Institut
Universität zu Köln
Zülpicher Straße 77
50937 Köln


Tel. (+49|0) 221 470-8352
Fax. (+49|0) 221 470-5162

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