[FLASH-USERS] Paramesh4 crashes due to an error in the GridParticlesMove
Klaus Weide
klaus at flash.uchicago.edu
Mon May 2 17:51:49 EDT 2016
On Mon, 2 May 2016, Xiao-Dong Wang wrote:
> I am trying to use paramesh on a custom simulation using particles.
> [ 05-02-2016 16:08:02.668 ] abort_message: src == gr_meshMe, and we still have unmatched neData, bad
> The final abort message comes from
> <flash home>/source/Grid/GridParticles/GridParticlesMove/Sieve/BlockMatch/gr_ptNextProcPair.F90
> But except for that no further information is available.
> I have tried different values for lrefine_min/_max, nblock[xyz], n[xyz]b, as well as +pm40 instead of +pm4dev for setup, but this problem persists.
> Could anyone give a hint on the problem? Thank you very much!
I have only some ideas to offer:
What is your value for pt_maxPerProc? Try to increase it.
(Or decrase the number of particles, at least for some test runs.)
Which method are you using for the initial placemnt of particles?
Are there possibly some particles that are being placed badly -
outside of the domain, or maybe right on the boundary?
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