[FLASH-USERS] 2D Spherical and Cartesian Geometry
Mordecai-Mark Mac Low
mordecai at amnh.org
Fri Sep 23 09:01:34 EDT 2016
Dear Michiel,
On your second question: are you sure that you’re not setting up a cylindrical blast wave, rather than a spherical one? A 2D, slab symmetric, point explosion is effectively that of an infinite line charge, rather than a spherical, point explosion. The line charge indeed expands faster. There is, of course, an exact analytic solution for this. For an analogous case with a constant energy input, see eqs. 5-7 of Mac Low, McCray, & Norman, ApJ (1989). Therefore, you may be fine sticking with your Cartesian grid, so perhaps you don’t need to solve your first problem.
Mordecai-Mark Mac Low
Mordecai-Mark Mac Low Curator & Professor
+1-212-496-3443 Department of Astrophysics
+1-212-769-5007 (fax) American Museum of Natural History
mmaclow (Skype, Hangout) 79th St at CPW, NY, NY, 10024-5192, USA
On Sep 23, 2016, at 08:50, Michiel Bustraan <michiel.bustraan at astro.su.se<mailto:michiel.bustraan at astro.su.se>> wrote:
Hello all,
I have two things that I could really use some help with, and I haven't been able to figure it out by myself.
Firstly, I've been trying to run a simulation in 2D with a spherical geometry, but a few steps after starting the simulation the code crashes due to a negative dt.
I set the density and temperature constant in the simulation, and the velocity to 0, so nothing should be happening (just as a test case).
I'm attaching a plot of the density just before the crash. I'm guessing the problem lies in the grid somewhere, but I have no idea how to fix it.
Have any of you encountered something like this before?
Secondly, and the reason I've been wanting to switch to a spherical geometry, is the results of simulating shocks in 2D using a Cartesian geometry.
I ran some simulations with a spherical shock (outward radial velocity from a dense region), and found that the shock doesn't develop the same way in 2D as it does in
3D Cartesian. The shock tends to move much faster, as if it is encountering less resistance or has too much kinetic energy.
Shouldn't it be possible to have a 2D Cartesian slice of a spherical outward shock? Are these issues simply due to the geometry or from an error in setting up the problem?
I would really love some help on this, since I've just been trying unsuccessfully to fix it on my own.
Kind Regards,
Michiel Bustraan
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