[FLASH-USERS] Question for runtime parameters in laser and MHD simulation

Dongwook Lee dongwook at flash.uchicago.edu
Fri Sep 30 22:19:19 EDT 2016

Dear Yingchao,

The switch will turn off all the dynamics of magnetic fields during
simulations. It enforces to set B=0 in all x, y, and z directions at the
end of the each time step update, zeroing out the magnetic fields, and
reduces the MHD system to the system of Hydro.

In practice, however, I do not encourage you to use the unsplit MHD solver
with ForceHydroLimit = .True. in order to run hydro simulations because it
will be expensive as you are using the MHD system still, rather than the
simpler hydro system. If you know you are going to simulate hydro, please
use the unsplit hydro solver by including "+uhd" in your setup line instead
of having "+usm".


On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 12:33 PM, Yingchao Lu <yingchao.lu at rice.edu> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have two questions:
> 1. If I have several beams, does “ed_power_n_i” mean the power for each
> beam or total?
> 2. Which equations does “ForceHydroLimit” affect among equation
> (14.17)-(14.22) in the user guide? Does this mean no magnetic force term in
> the force equation and magnetic field elsewhere is kept?
> Best,
> Yingchao Lu
> Rice University
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