[FLASH-USERS] Initialising the magnetic field, stagard mesh MHD

Klaus Weide klaus at flash.uchicago.edu
Mon Apr 24 12:36:42 EDT 2017

On Mon, 24 Apr 2017, Simon Daley-Yates wrote:

> There are a number of different examples of setting up a MHD simulation in the
> source/Simulation/SimulationMain/magnetoMHD folder but they all use the method
> of setting initial conditions using the solnData(DENS_VAR,i,j,k) array and not
> the call Grid_putPointData(blockId, CENTER, DENS_VAR, EXTERIOR, axis, rhoZone)
> function call as recommended in the user guide pdf. 
Which is the correct
> method? 

For difference between Grid_putPointData and Grid_getBlkPtr etc., see the 
answer (~ second half or response) here:


> Also, there are no examples for initialising the face centred variables i.e.
> face centred magnetic fields. Is this also done with call
> Grid_putPointData(blockId, CENTER, DENS_VAR, EXTERIOR, axis, rhoZone) method
> and is there an example? 

One COULD initialize face variables with Grid_putPointData, but all 
existing examples use block pointers for this.

To find examples, grep for "FACEX" in all files

  Simulation/SimulationMain/magnetoHD/*/Simulation_initBlock.F90* .


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