[FLASH-USERS] Index error in UHD WENO-Z

Sean M. Couch couch at pa.msu.edu
Sat Aug 5 15:43:59 EDT 2017

Never mind, I was mistaken. Got confused looking at the code and Borges et al… Sorry for the false alarm. I shouldn’t file bug reports when sleep-deprived.


On August 5, 2017 at 10:11:07 AM, Sean Couch (couch at pa.msu.edu<mailto:couch at pa.msu.edu>) wrote:

Hi everyone!

I spotted a small index bug in hy_uhd_DataReconstructNormalDir_WENO.F90 at line 497 (in the flash4 branch). I’m pretty sure the line
`Alpha5p(2) = coeff2p(2)*(1.+(abs(betaWeno(1)-betaWeno(3))/(tiny+betaWeno(2)))**wenoExp)`
should be
`Alpha5p(2) = coeff2p(2)*(1.+(abs(betaWeno(1)-betaWeno(2))/(tiny+betaWeno(2)))**wenoExp)`.

Small thing, I think. This should only matter when using `order=5` and `wenoMethd=WENOZ`.


(p.s., Tried sending this to flash-bugs but I am not allowed to post there from this email address…)

Sean M. Couch
Assistant Professor
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Department of Computational Mathematics, Science, and Engineering
National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory/Facility for Rare Isotope Beams
Michigan State University
567 Wilson Rd, 3250 BPS
East Lansing, MI  48824
(517) 884-5035    ——    couch at pa.msu.edu<mailto:couch at pa.msu.edu>    ——    www.pa.msu.edu/~couch<http://www.pa.msu.edu/~couch>

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