[FLASH-USERS] combining MHD and thermal conduction

Klaus Weide klaus at flash.uchicago.edu
Tue Aug 15 12:47:01 EDT 2017

On Tue, 15 Aug 2017, Slavin, Jonathan wrote:

> Hi Ernesto,
> That worked! Just setting addThermalFlux to False prevents the crashes I
> was getting and so far the results look good.  The run that I'm doing now
> has the magnetic field set to zero, so I haven't tested what happens with a
> non-zero field yet.  However, as I noted before, even a zero B field was
> causing crashes previously.  So thank you very much for that tip!

Thanks, Ernesto, for pointing to the runtime parameter addThermalFlux.

It is good to know that addThermalFlux should be set to FALSE if one is 
using unsplit Hydro or MHD and wants to use the implicit diffusion solver 
( probably physics/Diffuse/DiffuseMain/Unsplit/ ) for thermal 
conduction rather than the explicit, flux-based implementation that
is enabled when addThermalFlux=.TRUE.

For three-temperature setups it has not been necessary to disable 
addThermalFlux explicitly, since the default is already FALSE if a setup 
with +3t (or +uhd3t, +usm3t, etc.) is used, see 
physics/Hydro/HydroMain/unsplit/Config .


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