[FLASH-USERS] Checkpoint files vs. Plot files

Marissa Adams madams at pas.rochester.edu
Wed Jan 18 14:58:30 EST 2017

Hi all,

I am wonder if there is an advantage to using *plt* files in comparison to
*chk* files as I am considering just using *chk* for primary output. I want
to make sure I am not losing any physics by doing so.

The documentation clearly alludes to *chk* files being necessary for
restarts. One can make the plotfileIntervalTime = checkpointFileIntervalTime,
as well as have one be < and > the other, and the code still runs.

I also considered if perhaps plot/refinement variables specified in a
*flash.par* would not necessarily be there -- all the information is there,
as to be expected (re: restarts).

I suppose my questions can be well defined as, aren't *plt* files a little
redundant if checkpoint files are sufficient, and contain more information
(for restarts, particles, etc)? Are *plt* files more easily handled in some
visualization software other than VisIt and yt (since checkpoint files are
handled just fine there)?


Marissa Adams                                 E-mail:
madams at pas.rochester.edu
PhD Student                                   Ph: (585) 402-5779
University of Rochester                       Website:
Department of Physics & Astronomy
108 Bausch & Lomb Hall
P.O. Box 270171
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