[FLASH-USERS] Flash LaserSlab ionmix

Siyi Yu siyiyu at lbl.gov
Wed Jun 21 14:36:51 EDT 2017

Hey Klaus,
I am also trying to implement hytrogen ionization in my simulation. I am
wondering, instead of using IOMIX documents, is it possible to implement a
self-written function that calculates electron densities from temperature
Best regards,
Siyi YU

On Wed, Jun 21, 2017 at 11:25 AM, Klaus Weide <klaus at flash.uchicago.edu>

> On Wed, 21 Jun 2017, stylianos.passalidis17 at imperial.ac.uk wrote:
> > Good morning, I am working on Flash for HEDP purposes and I would like
> > to ask how to find a .cn4 file for hydrogen since the only available are
> > for polystyrene, Al and He. Is there such file in order to simulate
> > hydrogen- laser interaction?
> Stylianos,
> Welcome to FLASH-USERS.
> There are actually some more IONMIX files in the FLASH release than the
> ones with the suffix ".cn4" that you found. You can also find several
> files with ".imx" which have been generated with IONMIX and may be usable
> for you. Also possibly some files ending in ".cnr".
> Unfortunately not all ".imx" files appear to be in the same format.
> Here is a quick guideline -
> 1. If the first four lines look like this:
>    ======================================================================
>             21        17
>      atomic #s of gases:          2
>      relative fractions:   1.00E+00
>               30
>    ======================================================================
>    then assume it is an IONMIX 4 output file.
> 2. If the first four lines look like this:
>    ======================================================================
>             30         5
>      atomic #s of gases:          1
>      relative fractions:   1.00E+00
>     0.100000E+010.140000E+020.333333E+00-.100000E+01         100
>    ======================================================================
>    then assume it is an IONMIX 1 output file.
> 3. If the first four lines look totally different from these two samples,
>   assume neither!
> The important tell to distinguish between IONMIX 4 and IONMIX 1 is
> whether the fourth line contains 5 numbers (4 reals and 1 integer) or
> just 1 integer.  (In either case the integer represents the number of
> radiation energy groups for which the file contains opacities.)
> The IONMIX4 format is documented in section
>    22.4.6 The IONMIX EOS/Opacity Format
> of the Users Guide (e.g., https://flash.uchicago.edu/
> site/flashcode/user_support/flash4_ug_4p4/node140.html)
> where IONMIX1 (just called IOMNIX there) is also mentioned.
> In your case, you may be able to use an IONMIX1 file "h-100grp-lte.imx"
> which is included in the FLASH release. You should find copies in the
> Eos and Opacity units. Let us know if this does not solve your problem.
> Klaus
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