[FLASH-USERS] Question

Dean Townsley Dean.M.Townsley at ua.edu
Fri Jun 23 12:08:54 EDT 2017


Could you maybe provide the log file from your simulation?  And 
generally more other information.

I have a super hard time understanding how your second snapshot could 
only be one step after your first.  In one timestep, flow can only 
propagate from one cell to its immediate neighbors.  But your second 
snapshot shows what appear to be coherent large-scale flow structures 
compared to your first.  It seems impossible for this to happen in one 

Depending on what you have done for gravity and temperature, your second 
snapshot seems to me like a fairly reasonable progression from your 
first, but I would have said it would take no less than 100 timesteps to 
develop this type of flow.  The central density peak expands explosively 
and interacts with the other material further out along the equatorial 
plane.  More information about what you are trying to do would help in 
interpreting this.


On 06/21/2017 02:53 PM, Jenks, Malia T. wrote:
> I am making a plot file every time step and these are what I get from 
> step 0 to 1. I think it might be an issue of breaking the Courant 
> conditions. I am planning to try reducing the time step to solve the 
> issue. The run is in cylindrical coordinates with open boundaries on Z 
> and the outside of R. The inside (r=0) boundary is a reflection 
> boundary. I wanted to see if there were any other ideas of how to 
> correct the large jump between these steps.
> Malia

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