[FLASH-USERS] A minor bug in FieldLoop initialization
Dongwook Lee
dongwook at flash.uchicago.edu
Mon May 22 16:18:31 EDT 2017
Hi Souqing,
I think the code lines are correct. Please first note that the filed loop
is rotated about the y-axis, following the transformation rule:
x1 = x*cos(ang) - z*sin(ang)
x2 = y
x3 = x*sin(ang) + z*cos(ang)
Now, you want to define vector potentials to define divergence-free face
magnetic fields using the following rules:
Bx = dAz/dy - dAy/dz
By = dAx/dz - dAz/dx
Bz = dAy/dx - dAx/dy
When considering Ax in this case, you want to stagger (i.e., use
coordinates at faces, rather than centers) y and z coordinates for the
straightforward differencing. Since y is not rotated, you just need to
stagger z-coordinate, leaving x-coordinate at cell-centers.
Likewise, you would need to stagger x-y for Az, for which you just need
x-staggering only, keeping z-coordinates at cell-centers.
I double checked this with the code implementations in the ATHENA code
setup, and they look the same as the FLASH implementation.
Hope this helps.
Dongwook Lee, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
Applied Mathematics and Statistics
University of California, Santa Cruz
Baskin Engineering, Room 353C
1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95064
On Fri, Apr 21, 2017 at 12:57 AM, Suoqing Ji <suoqing at physics.ucsb.edu>
> Hi,
> I would like to report a very minor bug in magnetoHD/FieldLoop/Simulation_initBlock.F90:
> in line 253 and 273, the variable xCoord(i) and zCoord(k) should be
> replaced by xx and zz.
> With current code, depending on platforms and ways of setup, the
> simulation has a certain possibility of hanging forever at initialization
> stage without any error output (sometimes it can run successfully). I
> encounter this issue when I use FieldLoop for performance tests on Stampede.
> Thanks!
> Best wishes,
> —
> Suoqing Ji
> Ph.D Candidate
> Department of Physics
> University of California, Santa Barbara
> http://physics.ucsb.edu/~suoqing
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