[FLASH-USERS] Odd numbers of guardcells?

Klaus Weide klaus at flash.uchicago.edu
Wed May 3 21:08:34 EDT 2017

On Wed, 3 May 2017, Tomasz Plewa wrote:

> Monotonic interpolation is not a Paramesh-builtin component. The driver 
> has been customized to use AMR data structure, and this where any issues 
> are possibly hidden, but other modules don't/didn't require a specific 
> number of ghost cells.
> So if monotonic is used and there are problems, then it is most likely 
> its driver. 

Right - I did not mean to imply that the problems were in the core 
"monotonic" interpolation routines (basically, umap.F). The problems I was 
referring to were in the wrappers around those core routines - the 
.F90 files now under GridMain/paramesh/interpolation/Paramesh4/prolong/ .


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