[FLASH-USERS] Question about grid size
Robert Fisher
rfisher1 at umassd.edu
Tue May 23 22:53:47 EDT 2017
Hi Malia :
I presume you mean 512^2 uniform (as opposed to adaptive) resolution.
512^2 is a fairly low resolution, equivalent to 64^3 in 3D, and with fewer
than one million cells in total. You should be able to easily achieve it on
most problems even on a laptop on a uniform grid by adding the options "-2d
+ug --nxb=256 --nyb=256 -auto" to your setup command line, and adding the
following lines to your flash.par file :
iProcs = 2 #num procs in i direction; resolution NXB * iProcs
jProcs = 2
Finally, you can execute on 4 processes : "mpirun -np 4 flash4".
Best wishes,
On Tue, May 23, 2017 at 6:29 PM, Jenks, Malia T. <mjenks at ou.edu> wrote:
> I tried to increase the number of cells in my 2d model to 512 by 512. It
> will not compile at this size and I get an error about static memory. Is
> there a way I can solve this?
> Malia Jenks
Dr. Robert Fisher
Associate Professor / Graduate Program Director
University of Massachusetts/Dartmouth
Department of Physics
285 Old Westport Road
North Dartmouth, Massachusetts 02747
robert.fisher at umassd.edu
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