[FLASH-USERS] Postdoc opportunities in multi-dimensional stellar hydrodynamics
Sean M. Couch
couch at pa.msu.edu
Mon Nov 6 19:12:11 EST 2017
Dear FLASH Users community,
I am writing to let you know about three postdoc opportunities in computational stellar / nuclear astrophysics working on multidimensional hydrodynamics. These positions are part of a larger DOE SciDAC collaboration involving multiple institutions and exploring r-process, stellar evolution, neutron star mergers, and new algorithms.
Here are links for 3 open positions (at Stony Brook, MSU, and Princeton)
SBU: https://jobregister.aas.org/ad/4dcea4f9
MSU: https://astro.natsci.msu.edu/news-events/job-postings/research-associate-in-theoretical-and-computational-astrophysics/
Princeton: https://web.astro.princeton.edu/jobs#Supernova%20Theory
Sean M. Couch
Assistant Professor
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Department of Computational Mathematics, Science, and Engineering
National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory/Facility for Rare Isotope Beams
Michigan State University
567 Wilson Rd, 3250 BPS
East Lansing, MI 48824
(517) 884-5035 —— couch at pa.msu.edu<mailto:couch at pa.msu.edu> —— www.pa.msu.edu/~couch<http://www.pa.msu.edu/~couch>
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