[FLASH-USERS] OrszagTang test with USM solver

Dongwook Lee dongwook at flash.uchicago.edu
Mon Oct 2 13:46:06 EDT 2017

Dear Dominik,

I think I've seen this result a long time ago but I forgot how to reproduce
it. Can you please send me your log file that produced this result?


On Thu, Sep 28, 2017 at 6:25 AM, Dominik Derigs <derigs at ph1.uni-koeln.de>

> Dear FLASH user's,
> I'm trying to obtain 2D reference solutions using the USM solver shipped
> with FLASH v4.4.
> Setup command: ./setup magnetoHD/Orszag -auto -2d +usm
> I ran the simulation with the default flash.par file
> (increased lrefine_max to 6). However, the result is not what I expect to
> see.
> The very same simulation can be computed just fine using the split MHD
> solver:
> https://hera.ph1.uni-koeln.de/~derigs/OrszagTang2DUSM.png
> https://hera.ph1.uni-koeln.de/~derigs/OrszagTang2D8wave.png
> Note that I also tested the Rotor test problem which was solved fine by
> both the USM and the split solver. The main difference between the initial
> conditions of both tests is presumably that the magnetic field in the Rotor
> is constant while the OrszagTang test has a spatially varying initial
> magnetic field.
> I hope that someone has already seen a similar output and can give me a
> hint to the solution.
> Best regards,
> Dominik
> --
> Dominik Derigs
> I. Physikalisches Institut
> Universität zu Köln
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Dongwook Lee, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
Applied Mathematics and Statistics
University of California, Santa Cruz
Baskin Engineering, Room 353C
1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95064
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