[FLASH-USERS] Checkerboard structure in magnetic field using USM solver

Rukmani Vijayaraghavan rukmani at virginia.edu
Mon Oct 9 10:03:45 EDT 2017

Hi Sean,

I'd set both of those to .false., I'll try a version with .true. I've 
attached my flash.par file, if useful I can also send my much longer 
.log file (which includes many failed iterations of modifying these 
parameters). What is the recommended level of magnetic resistivity to 
minimize this?



On 10/09/2017 09:43 AM, Sean M. Couch wrote:
> I’d agree with Dongwook, it looks like numerical instability. In 
> absence of the log file showing the details of your setup and run, I 
> would suggest you try the following if you haven’t already. Set both 
> E_upwind and E_modification to .TRUE. in your flash.par. What these 
> flags do is improve the order of reconstruction for the electric 
> fields (see Lee & Deane 2009).  See the attached gif of a field loop 
> moving across a jump in refinement with the various flags on or off. 
>  Not exactly the same as your issue, perhaps, but might still be worth 
> a try. You might also try adding in magnetic resistivity to your sim, 
> if all else fails.
> Cheers,
> Sean
> On October 9, 2017 at 12:07:50 AM, Dongwook Lee 
> (dongwook at flash.uchicago.edu <mailto:dongwook at flash.uchicago.edu>) wrote:
>> Dear Rukmani,
>> It looks to me that they may come from numerical instability, 
>> although it could be an issue related to the use of AMR. What 
>> reconstruction scheme and CFL number are you using? Is this 2D or 3D?
>> Best,
>> Dongwook
>> On Sun, Oct 8, 2017 at 12:59 PM, Rukmani Vijayaraghavan 
>> <rukmani at virginia.edu <mailto:rukmani at virginia.edu>> wrote:
>>     Hi everyone,
>>     I get a strange, unphysical feature in the magnetic field
>>     structure with the USM solver, seen in the attached slices of B_z
>>     and the magnetic pressure. These features, as you can see, track
>>     the block boundaries and look like a checkerboard of varying
>>     magnetic field strength (and sign?) in individual grid cells.
>>     I've tried modifying every possible USM solver switch, including
>>     the Riemann solver, order, slope limiter, prolongation method,
>>     steepening, etc. Using Riemann Solver = HLLC instead of HLLD
>>     makes things a little better, since HLLC is more diffusive, but
>>     the feature still eventually appears. Any advice on solving this
>>     or even minimizing its effects would be helpful!
>>     Thanks,
>>     Rukmani
>>     --
>>     Rukmani Vijayaraghavan
>>     NSF Astronomy & Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellow
>>     University of Virginia
>>     rukmani at virginia.edu <mailto:rukmani at virginia.edu>
>> --
>> =========================================
>> Dongwook Lee, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
>> Applied Mathematics and Statistics
>> University of California, Santa Cruz
>> Baskin Engineering, Room 353C
>> 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95064
>> https://users.soe.ucsc.edu/~dongwook/ 
>> <https://users.soe.ucsc.edu/%7Edongwook/>

Rukmani Vijayaraghavan
NSF Astronomy & Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellow
University of Virginia
rukmani at virginia.edu

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#	Runtime parameters for the nbody group/cluster with magnetic field, multigrid solver

#	Computational volume parameters

geometry        = "cartesian"

xmin		= -5.e23
xmax		= 5.0e23
ymin		= -5.0e23
ymax		= 5.0e23
zmin		= -5.e23
zmax		= 5.e23

nblockx		= 1
nblocky		= 1
nblockz		= 1

#	Parameters for initial model

rvir1           =  241.627 #92.1636
mvir1           =  1.E12 #2.82748e11
scale_radius    =  1.196968E23 #5.86719E22
scale_density   =  8.31272e-26 #2.55232e-25
a_disk          =  6.634255E21 #1.23428E22
b_disk          =  9.2571E20 #7.71425E20
M_disk          =  9.2E43 #2.E44
rcutoff_disk    =  8.02282E22 #8.02282E22

halo_number      =  1
n_gal            =  0
mainClusterFixed = .true.

#	Particle info, mass in solar mass

pt_dtFactor      = 0.8
group_number     = 0
cluster_number   = 0

#	Refinement criteria
refine_var_1    = "dens"
refine_var_2    = "temp"
refine_var_3    = "pres"
refine_var_4    = "magp"

lrefine_min	= 4
lrefine_max     = 8

refine_on_particle_count = .false.
max_particles_per_blk = 10#1000
min_particles_per_blk = 1#250

#	Boundary conditions

xl_boundary_type = "user"
xr_boundary_type = "outflow"
yl_boundary_type = "outflow"
yr_boundary_type = "outflow"
zl_boundary_type = "outflow"
zr_boundary_type = "outflow"
grav_boundary_type = "isolated"

#	Simulation description

basenm          = "galaxy_nfwkuzmin_disk_bfield_shield_"
run_comment     = "Isolated Galaxy with Disk and Bfield"
log_file        = "galaxy_wt_nfwkuzmindiskbfield_shield.log"

#	Restart 
restart                  = .true.
checkpointFileNumber = 33
plotFileNumber 	 = 47
#particleFileNumber = 01

# 	Output timing
wall_clock_checkpoint    = 5400.
#  plotFileIntervalStep     = 1
plotFileIntervalTime     = 0.25E15
particleFileIntervalTime = 1.5E15
checkpointFileIntervalTime = 1.5E15

#	Running time, timestep parameters
dtinit          = 5.0E12
dtmin           = 1.0E9
dtmax           = 1.0E16

nend            = 20000
tmax            = 2.E16#1.151E16 #6.4E16

#earlyBlockDistAdjustment = .false.

eachProcWritesSummary = .false.

plot_var_1      = "dens"
plot_var_2      = "temp"
plot_var_3      = "pres"
plot_var_4      = "gpot"
plot_var_5      = "magx"
plot_var_6      = "magy"
plot_var_7      = "magz"
plot_var_8      = "magp"
plot_var_9      = "divb"
plot_var_10     = "velx"
plot_var_11     = "vely"
plot_var_12     = "velz"

#		Gravity

useGravity = .true.
mpole_lmax	= 6
mg_maxResidualNorm = 1.0E-6
mg_printNorm	= .false.

b = 0.

#       Hydro parameters

MinRefinementDensity = 1.0e-26
cfl                  = 0.8
smlrho                     = 1.0e-34
smallp                     = 1.0e-22
smallt                     = 1.0e+3
smalle                     = 1.0e+10
smallx                     = 1.0e-10
rho_Ambient                = 2.0e-27
P_Ambient                  = 2.0E-11
T_Ambient                  = 5.0E7
v_Galaxy                   = 6.1065E7
Bvalx = 0.5E-6 # 0.0 # input B_x field, in microGauss
Bvaly = 0.0 # 0.5E-6 # 
Bvalz = 0.0 # 0.5E-6 # 
B0    = 0.5E-6

convertToConsvdInMeshInterp  = .true.
monotone        = .true.

gamma              = 1.666666666667
eos_singleSpeciesA = 0.59242761692650336
eos_singleSpeciesZ = 1.111358574610245
eintSwitch         = 1.0e-4
ppm_modifystates   = .TRUE.

plasmaBeta = 100.
unitSystem = "none"

#       DivB control switch
# killdivb        = .true.

#       Flux Conservation for AMR
flux_correct    = .true.

useCool = .false.
useConductivity = .false.
dt_diff_factor  = 1.0
saturatedConduction = .false.

#  STS, see Flash User Guide sec 7.1, table 7.1
useSTS          = .false.
useSTSforDiffusion = .false.
nuSTS = 0.01
nstepTotalSTS = 10

## -------------------------------------------------------------##
order           = 3      # Interpolation order (First/Second/Third order)
slopeLimiter    = "mc"   # Slope limiters (minmod, mc, vanLeer, hybrid, limited)
LimitedSlopeBeta= 1.     # Slope parameter for the "limited" slope by Toro
charLimiting    = .false. # Characteristic limiting vs. Primitive limiting
use_steepening  = .false.# Contact steepening for PPM

E_modification  = .false.            # High order algorithm for E-field construction
energyFix       = .false.           # Update magnetic energy using staggered B-fields
ForceHydroLimit = .false.           # Pure Hydro Limit (B=0)
prolMethod      = "injection_prol"    # Prolongation method (injecton_prol, balsara_prol)

RiemannSolver   = "hllc"       # Roe, HLL, HLLC, HLLD, LLF
shockInstabilityFix = .false.  # Carbuncle instability fix for the Roe solver
entropy         = .false.      # Entropy fix for the Roe solver
EOSforRiemann   = .false.      # Call EoS during Riemann solves

shockDetect     = .false.     # Shock Detect for numerical stability
## -------------------------------------------------------------##

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