[FLASH-USERS] Problem with HYPRE library

Klaus Weide klaus at flash.uchicago.edu
Thu Oct 26 22:09:07 EDT 2017

On Thu, 26 Oct 2017, ascenzi wrote:

> Dear Klaus,
> The version of HYPRE is 2.11 (while the version of FLASH is FLASH4.4)
> The content of the directory /usr/local/Hypre/lib is the file libHYPRE.a and
> nothing else.
> I have also the line that you mentioned in my makefile.h:
> As concerns the HYPRE configuration I am not sure, but in the configure file i
> see
> enable-fortan and a comment says that the default value is yes.
> Moreover in the config.log file I see
> Configured with: ../gcc-6.3.0/configure --enable-languages=c++,fortran
> so I think that fortran is enabled.


All that seems pretty normal, I don't see anything obviously wrong.

I think the most likely source of your problem is that you have several 
compilers on your system, and the way you are compiling FLASH is somehow 
incompatible with the way you have compiled the HYPRE source.

As an example, here is how I have configured a version of HYPRE to work 
with FLASH on one specific Ubuntu machine:

 $ ./configure --prefix=/opt/hypre/intel/2.11.0 \
   CC=/opt/openmpi-1.10.2_intel/bin/mpicc \
   CXX=/opt/openmpi-1.10.2_intel/bin/mpicxx \
   F77=/opt/openmpi-1.10.2_intel/bin/mpif77 --enable-fortran \
   --with-blas-lib-dirs=/usr/lib --with-blas-libs=libblas.a --with-blas \
   --with-lapack --disable-global-partition

Ovviously this is for a different compiler. Most of those flags are likely 
not applicable in your case; the main point is that I specify the paths to 
compilers (in this case the wrappers installed by MPI) in the CC=, CXX+, 
and F77= arguments, and make sure that my Makefile.h for FLASH specifies 
the same paths for C and Fortran compilers.

If this does not help, perhaps someone on the list can provide more help 
if you let us know more about your system (OS, compiler versions, etc.).


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