[FLASH-USERS] radflaHD/supernova libhypre

Klaus Weide klaus at flash.uchicago.edu
Thu Apr 5 13:22:02 EDT 2018

Dear Slah,

1. Please keep flash-users at flash.uchicago.edu in the list of recipients 
(or CC) or your replies.

2. Another remark regarding the SupernovaRad1D problem:

The User's Guide (in "32.9.3 1D Supernova" in the current development 
version) has as 

Example configuration:

./setup radflaHD/SupernovaRad1D -1d -auto +spherical +mgd mgd_meshgroups=1 -nxb=16 \
 -objdir mesa_sn_2T --maxblocks=1000 +pm4dev +uhd3tr +newMpole \
 species=neut,prot,h1,he3,he4,c12,n14,o16,ne20,mg24,si28,s32,ar36,ca40,ti44,cr48,fe52,fe54,ni56 \
 ManualSpeciesDirectives=True \
 +parallelio -without-unit=physics/Eos/EosMain/multiTemp/Multigamma RadTransImpl=MGD \

So you should base your setup command on that. In particular, start with 
using 'flash_working.par' as the parameter file.


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