[FLASH-USERS] Problems with strong shocks

Dongwook Lee dongwook at flash.uchicago.edu
Tue Feb 20 15:40:14 EST 2018

Dear Jeremy,

Do you see this instability issue only with FLASH4, but NOT with FLASH3?
More specifically, I wonder what happens if you run the exact same problem
with FLASH3. Have you tried this type of FLASH3 and FLASH4 comparison tests?


On Sun, Feb 18, 2018 at 10:41 AM, Jeremy S Ritter <jritter at mail.utexas.edu>

> Hello Flash Users,
> I have been using FLASH since version 3 to run simulations of supernova
> blastwaves in cosmological simulations. Since updating to version 4 I have
> had a lot of stability problems with the unsplit solver and strong shocks.
> The setup is similar to a Sedov example, with a spherical blastwave
> inserted into a realistic cosmological environment. We zoom in to high
> resolution to insert the blastwaves with radii of ~1 pc and 16-32 grid
> blocks across the diameter. The background density/temperature/pressure in
> the vicinity of the blastwaves is effectively constant when zoomed in to
> this scale. We refine a large volume around the blastwave so that the
> entirety of it is kept at the same refinement level while expanding.
> The blastwaves will evolve as they should for many years, doubling or more
> in radius, and then suddenly within 1 step the solution will break down.
> This happens in the free expansion phase, before the reverse shock. The
> timestep dt will drop from ~1 year to 10^-7 seconds, tracer particles in
> the blastwave will be flung outside of the simulation box, gas density in
> some cells will drop by 20 orders of magnitude, etc.
> I have tried both the HLLC and the hybrid HLLC solver with shock detection
> and shock lower CFL. By lowering the CFL even further, to 0.1, I was able
> to push the simulation further but eventually it breaks down too. I never
> had any similar issues in FLASH3. I was wondering if anybody has dealt with
> anything similar in FLASH4?
> Cheers,
> -Jeremy


Dongwook Lee, Ph.D., Assistant Professor
Applied Mathematics and Statistics
University of California, Santa Cruz
Baskin Engineering, Room 353C
1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95064
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