[FLASH-USERS] 1D laser question
John Kline
jkline35 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 8 21:48:19 EST 2018
This worked. Thanks!
-----Original Message-----
From: Norbert Flocke [mailto:flocke at flash.uchicago.edu]
Sent: Monday, January 8, 2018 9:51 AM
To: John Kline <jkline35 at gmail.com>
Cc: flash-users at flash.uchicago.edu
Subject: Re: [FLASH-USERS] 1D laser question
Hi John,
In the routine 'ed_createRays1DRec', find the following section (near the
blockID = blockList (block)
rayPower = beamPower
raySpeed = initialRaySpeed * ed_speedOfLight
velX = raySpeed
! ...We now need to make sure, ...(comment section)
if (blockFaceMinX) then
rayX = xminBlock + cellWallThicknessHalf
else if (blockFaceMaxX) then
rayX = xmaxBlock - cellWallThicknessHalf
end if
and change this to (remove the original 'velX = raySpeed' line and add the
new velX lines in the 'if (blockFaceMinX) then' section:
blockID = blockList (block)
rayPower = beamPower
raySpeed = initialRaySpeed * ed_speedOfLight
! ...We now need to make sure, ...(comment section)
if (blockFaceMinX) then
velX = raySpeed
rayX = xminBlock + cellWallThicknessHalf
else if (blockFaceMaxX) then
velX = - raySpeed
rayX = xmaxBlock - cellWallThicknessHalf
end if
This should solve your problem. Tell me what you get.
On Sat, 6 Jan 2018, John Kline wrote:
> I have a laser question. I have setup a 1D foil problem. I want to shock
> foil from both sides. However, the laser will only hit the foil when the
> xlens position is negative. You will likely need more information but
> is the setup for my two beams. Beam 1 hits the target fine. Beam 2 does
> seem to hit the target. The target sits between 140 and 160 um in the
> simulation. Any thoughts?
> John
> ed_numberOfBeams = 2
> #setup beam 1:
> ed_lensX_1 = -1000.0e-04
> ed_targetX_1 = 140.0e-04
> ed_pulseNumber_1 = 1
> ed_wavelength_1 = 1.053
> ed_crossSectionFunctionType_1 = "uniform"
> ed_numberOfRays_1 = 1
> ed_gridType_1 = "regular1D"
> ed_gridnRadialTics_1 = 1
> #setup beam 2:
> ed_lensX_2 = 1000.0e-04
> ed_targetX_2 = 160.0e-04
> ed_pulseNumber_2 = 1
> ed_wavelength_2 = 1.053
> ed_crossSectionFunctionType_2 = "uniform"
> ed_numberOfRays_2 = 1
> ed_gridType_2 = "regular1D"
> ed_gridnRadialTics_2 = 1
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