[FLASH-USERS] Coupling RHD with self-gravity

María Fernanda Clever Uribe clever_fisica at ciencias.unam.mx
Thu Jul 5 18:44:50 EDT 2018

I'm not sure I can use a periodic boundary condition. Could I use another
solver like tree gravity instead?

I have read that the only restriction is that NBX = NBY = NBZ and it works
with AMR structure.

Fernanda Clever

2018-07-05 16:49 GMT-05:00 Klaus Weide <klaus at flash.uchicago.edu>:

> On Thu, 5 Jul 2018, María Fernanda Clever Uribe wrote:
> > I am trying to setup a problem that requires using RHD and self-gravity,
> > and I have a problem while running the simulation.
> >
> > I am using 2D cartesian coordinates, and the multigrid solver which is
> > specified in Config file:
> >
> > physics/Gravity/GravityMain/Poisson/Multigrid
> >
> > I compiled using the following line:
> >
> > ./setup JetGravity -auto -2d +noDefaultMpole +gravMgrid -maxblocks=2000
> >
> > The error message is:
> >
> > abort_message: gr_isoMpoleInit:  FATAL:  unsupported geometry!
> >
> > I do not understand why there is an error. Is it due to geometry, since
> the
> > multigrid solver should solve gravity with this kind of geometry?
> I think you will find that the problem comes from the combination of 2D
> multigrid with an "isolated" gravity boundary condition.  Multigrid with
> this boundary condition uses the auxiliary multipole solver in
> Grid/GridSolvers/IsoBndMultipole to "compute the boundary values of the
> image mass potential"; this is currently only supported in 3D Cartesian
> geometry.
> If you can use a different gravity boundary condition ("periodic", most
> likely), that should work.
> Klaus
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