[FLASH-USERS] Missing files in Poisson Pfft solver

Chia-Jung Hsu cjhsu at asiaa.sinica.edu.tw
Fri Jun 15 12:31:28 EDT 2018

Dear all,

I am using FLASH4.5 and trying to use the self-gravity unit in my

It seems that the Multigrid and Multipole solvers cannot support the 2D
cartesian geometry, so I try to use the Pfft solver.

However, when I tried to use the unit by the setup:
"./*setup* <simulation> -auto
-with-unit=physics/Gravity/GravityMain/Poisson/Pfft -nxb=512 -nyb=512 +ug"

The compilation failed with the error message:

Sorry, I am unable to build gr_pfftSpecifyTransform.o mentioned in

Related directory contents:

If you do not see an appropriate source file, gr_pfftSpecifyTransform.o is
probably mentioned in the

wrong Makefile and should probably go deeper inside the Grid unit

Makefile:144: recipe for target 'gr_pfftSpecifyTransform.o' failed

I tried to modify the Makefile under the GridSolvers/Pfft/ directory, but
it still could not get the files under the GridSolvers/Pfft/DirectorSolver/

Is the Pfft solver of Gravity usable?

If so, how can I use the solver?

Thank you very much.

Best regards,
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