[FLASH-USERS] Units of measurement Sedov sample problem

Brandon Wiggins brandonwiggins at suu.edu
Tue Jun 19 20:55:33 EDT 2018

Just confirming, Marissa is right: sim_expEnergy   = 1 means "1 erg."

Also, if you visualize your Sedov problem in YT, you'll see that it returns
lengths in cm, as per FLASH's cgs system.

Welcome to the FLASH community!


On Tue, Jun 19, 2018, 6:15 PM Isabella M Pagano <ipagano at utexas.edu> wrote:

> Hello,
> I've looked over the user manual several times and it doesn't specify what
> units of measurement the different parameters are in. I've just been
> running the Sedov equation sample problem, and was wondering what it was
> normalized to/what units because it isn't actually explicitly mentioned. I
> can deduce that the pressure is in bar because the unit given is 10^-5
> which is equal to one pascal, so I'm assuming that it is in bars. However,
> the default density/energy are 1, so what is that supposed to be normalized
> to? Is there a convention I'm not aware of in this instance?
> Thanks!
> Bella
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