[FLASH-USERS] flmake and python 3.x

Scott Feister sfeister at gmail.com
Fri Jun 29 15:55:33 EDT 2018

Hi Jon,

I have been intermittently using flmake as well, for the same reasons. Just
a note to other users, this code hasn't been supported for a while (the
person who wrote it left), and doesn't in all cases correctly perform the
"setup" step (it uses a different setup script). However, I'd also be
interested in a port of the current flmake version to python3. If you send
me the progress you've made so far (feister at flash.uchicago.edu), I will
gladly take a look.



Scott Feister, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Researcher, Flash Center for Computational Science
University of Chicago, Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics

On Fri, Jun 29, 2018 at 8:24 AM, Slavin, Jonathan <jslavin at cfa.harvard.edu>

> Hi all,
> I know that flmake is not supported anymore. I started using it before I
> knew that and have found it so useful that I still use it, though I expect
> that not many do. In any case, I'd like to continue to use it at least for
> now.  The problem I'm running into is that I'm switching from python 2.7 to
> python 3.6 and flmake is not compatible with python 3. I've run 2to3 on the
> routines under tools/python and made some additional changes recommended,
> but it still doesn't work.  So my question is: has anyone successfully
> ported flmake to python 3.x?
> Thanks,
> Jon
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