[FLASH-USERS] Regarding forces on particles.

Saurabh Sawant saurabhisreachable at gmail.com
Wed Nov 14 23:09:31 EST 2018

           My name is Saurabh Sawant. I am a graduate student at UIUC. I am
sorry I couldn't complete my previous message. Here it is:

Now I have used micron sized active dust particles in my simulations and I
am trying to move them using some local hydrodynamic force. I know the
equation of the force and I can probably get the exact force at the
particle location in a particular direction by interpolating the grid
macroparameters. My question is: How do I make the particles experience
this force?

            If I understand correctly such a force cant be categorized as
long range or short range since it is not due to the effect of other
particles in the flow field. It's the effect of flow field on to the
I will need to implement a force in terms of acceleration experienced by
particle and the same way an ion experiences acceleration due to Lorentz
force right? Is there any other obvious way to make this change?
Your help is much appreciated.

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