[FLASH-USERS] How to put other variables into the output files

Ji, Suoqing suoqing at caltech.edu
Sun Apr 21 23:27:44 EDT 2019

Hi Zhang,

The maximum number of the plot variables is set by the constant MAX_PLOT_VARS in Flash.h, which equals the total number of grid variables and is set automatically by the setup script. Therefore, it usually should not occur that you use up all the plot variables, since you can not plot more than the total existing grid variables in the code. Say, now you find you could only set 9 plot variables, and this is perhaps because you only have 9 grid variables in total, and thus the MAX_PLOT_VARS = 9.

Could you check the value of MAX_PLOT_VARS, as well as the values of NPROP_VARS, NSPECIES and NMASS_SCALARS in Flash.h? The sum of the latter three should equal the value of MAX_PLOT_VARS.

Best wishes,
Suoqing Ji
Sherman Fairchild Fellow
TAPIR & Walter Burke Institute for Theoretical Physics
California Institute of Technology

On Apr 21, 2019, at 2:05 PM, Ryan Farber <rjfarber at umich.edu<mailto:rjfarber at umich.edu>> wrote:

Hi Zhang,

I've also found that only the first 9 "plot_var_"s are put in FLASH "*plt_cnt*" output files (but checkpoint files contain all variables). I'm not sure if this is intended behavior or if it's been fixed in later versions (I'm using FLASH4.2.2). What version of FLASH are you using?

If you also cannot access "cond" from the checkpoint file, then you can check Flash.h (in the object directory) for the name of the variables your simulation is following.

Also, since you mentioned using VISIT I wanted to mention that yt is another great option for FLASH analysis and visualization:



On Sun, Apr 21, 2019 at 5:44 AM zdy0903 <zdy0903 at stu.xjtu.edu.cn<mailto:zdy0903 at stu.xjtu.edu.cn>> wrote:


  Usually, the output files of FLASH are the database of some variables like "dens", "temp", "pres". We can check it by importing the database to VISIT. However, what should I do if I want to put other variables into the database of output files. For example, if I want to see the thermal conduction data in LaserSlab simulation during the entire process, what should I do?

  It seems that there is a plot options in flash.par just like

### Plot Options ###
plotFileNumber       = 0
plotFileIntervalStep = 100
plotFileIntervalTime = 0.01e-09
plot_var_1           = "dens"
plot_var_2           = "depo"
plot_var_3           = "tele"
plot_var_4           = "tion"
plot_var_5           = "trad"
plot_var_6           = "ye  "
plot_var_7           = "sumy"
plot_var_8           = "cham"
plot_var_9           = "targ"
  I set a new plot_var_10 = "cond".(conduction) But it seems that it does not work? What else should I do?

  Thank you very much!


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