[FLASH-USERS] [Hydro]: Computed dt is not positive! Aborting!

Benjamin Khiar benjamin.khiar at gmail.com
Mon Aug 19 12:55:59 EDT 2019

Hey J.Z.,

In addition to what Ryan said, to better help you, it would be helpful for
us to know more about your simulation:
- What are you trying to do ?
- Share your *.log file
- Maybe show some outputs

Benjamin Khiar
Postdoctoral researcher
FLASH Center for Computational Science
University of Chicago

Le dim. 18 août 2019 à 23:43, Ryan Farber <rjfarber at umich.edu> a écrit :

> Hi J.Z.,
> In general, dt becomes very small because either
> 1) bulk speed becomes very large
> 2) sound speed becomes very large
> 3) alfven speed becomes very large
> Since you mentioned Biermann battery, I would guess the magnetic field
> becomes too strong. You can check which is the culprit either by computing
> the speeds from an output file using for example yt:
> https://yt-project.org/ Or, you can check the *.dat file.
> Best,
> --------
> Ryan
> On Sun, Aug 18, 2019 at 7:26 PM 王荐钊 <astrowjz at mail.bnu.edu.cn> wrote:
>> Hello FLASH USERS !
>> When I add Biermann Battery module to my simulation like this, after
>> running many steps, I will get an error message “[Hydro]: Computed dt is
>> not positive! Aborting!” I think it is related to documents
>> “Hydro_computeDt.F90” and “hy_uhd_dataReconstOneStep.F90”, but I don’t know
>> how to fix it. So any advice?
>> Thanks,
>> J.Z. Wang
>> [ERRORS]:
>> ————————————————————
>> Jianzhao Wang
>> Department of Astronomy, Beijing Normal University
>> No.19, Xinjiekouwai Street, Haidian District, Beijing, 100875
>> Tel: +86 13141149966
>> Email:astrowjz at mail.bnu.edu.cn <astrowjz at mail.bnu.edu.cn>
>>           astrowjz at 163.com
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