[FLASH-USERS] Fatal error in PMPI_Waitall: See the MPI_ERROR field in MPI_Status for the error code
g.granda at irya.unam.mx
Tue Dec 10 13:34:11 EST 2019
Thank you, but I'm confused. You said that the more processors I use
the more memory each processor will require, however from maxblocks ~
1.02*num_blocks_requesed/num_procs , max blocks is inverse proportional
to the number of processors and since the memory each processor needs is
NUNK_VARSxNXBxNYBxNZBxMAXBLOCKS , then the memory is inverse
proportional to the num_procs , right?
Another question is if NUNK_VARS is the number of plot_var written into
the plot files.
On 06/12/19 22:53, Ryan Farber wrote:
> Hi Guido,
> I've seen FLASH crash with similar stdout due to insufficient memory
> many times. Keep in mind that the more processors you use, the more
> memory the run requires (since each processor has its own solution
> I was going to suggest reducing maxblocks since 3000 sounds to me
> rather extreme. My simulations are happiest with MAXBLOCKS=200 (the
> default value).
> Assuming static mesh refinement, you only need maxblocks to be ~1.02 *
> num_blks_requested / num_procs (in your case, 1.02*97801/procs).
> So, if you want to use more nodes, decrease maxblocks accordingly.
> Best,
> --------
> Ryan
> On Fri, Dec 6, 2019 at 8:42 PM guido <g.granda at irya.unam.mx
> <mailto:g.granda at irya.unam.mx>> wrote:
> Hello,
> Thank you for replaying. I tried your suggestion and I still got
> the same errors. However, I tried increasing the number of nodes
> from 8 to 16 and the simulations runs. So, I guess the crash was
> due to lack of resources such as ram memory or sth similar. How
> can I check that it was the cause of the crash ?
> Cheers,
> On 12/6/19 6:13 PM, Eddie Hansen wrote:
>> I haven't seen this error before, so I don't know if this is the
>> solution, but here's something I noticed...
>> You mentioned that you have loaded a version of hdf5 with
>> parallel mode enabled, yet the IO unit that is loaded during
>> setup is IO/IOMain/hdf5/serial. Try using the setup
>> shortcut +hdf5typeio. This will load, by default, the parallel IO
>> unit. Resetup, recompile, rerun, and see if you get the same error.
>> On Fri, Dec 6, 2019 at 5:46 PM guido <g.granda at irya.unam.mx
>> <mailto:g.granda at irya.unam.mx>> wrote:
>> Hello Flash users,
>> I’m having trouble running a simulation with FLASH 4.5. It
>> compiled FLASH 4.5 using:
>> - hdf5-1.8.20 with parallel mode enabled
>> - mpich-3.2.1
>> - gcc-7.3.0
>> The simulations run fine till I increase the maximum level of
>> refinement and the number of nodes used. For example, for
>> simulation with lmax=9, it runs slow but safe with 8 nodes.
>> However, when I increase the number of nodes to 10, the
>> simulation crash trying to write the Coefficients in the
>> Taylor expansion into file.
>> The log file is the following:
>> FLASH log file: 12-05-2019 12:01:48.640 Run number: 1
>> ==============================================================================
>> Number of MPI tasks: 1
>> MPI version: 3
>> MPI subversion: 1
>> Dimensionality: 3
>> Max Number of Blocks/Proc: 3000
>> Number x zones: 8
>> Number y zones: 8
>> Number z zones: 8
>> Setup stamp: Wed Sep 18 16:44:51 2019
>> Build stamp: Wed Sep 18 16:45:20 2019
>> System info: Linux mouruka.crya.privado
>> 2.6.32-504.16.2.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Apr 22 06:48:29
>> Version: FLASH 4.5_release
>> Build directory: /home/guido/FLASH4.5/obj_mc
>> Setup syntax: /home/guido/FLASH4.5/bin/setup.py
>> magnetoHd/MC_evolution -auto -3d -maxblocks=3000
>> -objdir=obj_mc -site=irya.guido
>> --without-unit=physics/Hydro/HydroMain/split/MHD_8Wave
>> f compiler flags:
>> /home/guido/libraries/compiled_with_gcc-7.3.0/mpich-3.2.1/bin/mpif90
>> -g -c -O0 -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8
>> -ffree-line-length-none -Wuninitialized -g -c
>> -fdefault-real-8 -fdefault-double-8 -ffree-line-length-none
>> -Wuninitialized -DMAXBLOCKS=3000 -DNXB=8 -DNYB=8 -DNZB=8
>> -DN_DIM=3
>> c compiler flags:
>> /home/guido/libraries/compiled_with_gcc-7.3.0/mpich-3.2.1/bin/mpicc
>> -I/home/guido/libraries/compiled_with_gcc-7.3.0/hdf5-1.8.20/include
>> -DH5_USE_16_API -O0 -c -DMAXBLOCKS=3000 -DNXB=8 -DNYB=8
>> -DNZB=8 -DN_DIM=3
>> ==============================================================================
>> Comment: MC evolution
>> ==============================================================================
>> FLASH Units used:
>> Driver/DriverMain/Split
>> Driver/localAPI
>> Grid/GridBoundaryConditions
>> Grid/GridMain/paramesh/interpolation/Paramesh4/prolong
>> Grid/GridMain/paramesh/interpolation/prolong
>> Grid/GridMain/paramesh/paramesh4/Paramesh4dev/PM4_package/headers
>> Grid/GridMain/paramesh/paramesh4/Paramesh4dev/PM4_package/mpi_source
>> Grid/GridMain/paramesh/paramesh4/Paramesh4dev/PM4_package/source
>> Grid/GridMain/paramesh/paramesh4/Paramesh4dev/PM4_package/source
>> Grid/GridMain/paramesh/paramesh4/Paramesh4dev/PM4_package/utilities/multigrid
>> Grid/GridMain/paramesh/paramesh4/Paramesh4dev/flash_avoid_orrery
>> Grid/GridSolvers/BHTree/Wunsch
>> Grid/localAPI
>> IO/IOMain/hdf5/serial/PM
>> IO/localAPI
>> PhysicalConstants/PhysicalConstantsMain
>> RuntimeParameters/RuntimeParametersMain
>> Simulation/SimulationMain/magnetoHD/MC_evolution
>> flashUtilities/contiguousConversion
>> flashUtilities/general
>> flashUtilities/interpolation/oneDim
>> flashUtilities/nameValueLL
>> flashUtilities/sorting/quicksort
>> flashUtilities/system/memoryUsage/legacy
>> monitors/Logfile/LogfileMain
>> monitors/Timers/TimersMain/MPINative
>> physics/Eos/EosMain/Gamma
>> physics/Eos/localAPI
>> physics/Gravity/GravityMain/Poisson/BHTree
>> physics/Hydro/HydroMain/split/Bouchut/Bouchut3
>> physics/Hydro/localAPI
>> physics/sourceTerms/Polytrope/PolytropeMain
>> ==============================================================================
>> RuntimeParameters:
>> ==============================================================================
>> bndpriorityone = 1
>> bndprioritythree = 3
>> bndprioritytwo = 2
>> checkpointfileintervalstep = 1000000 [CHANGED]
>> checkpointfilenumber = 0
>> dr_abortpause = 2
>> dr_dtminbelowaction = 1
>> dr_numposdefvars = 4
>> drift_break_inst = 0
>> drift_trunc_mantissa = 2
>> drift_verbose_inst = 0
>> eos_entrelescalechoice = 6
>> eos_loglevel = 700
>> fileformatversion = 9
>> forcedplotfilenumber = 0
>> gr_bhtwmaxqueuesize = 10000
>> gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_1 = -1
>> gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_10 = -1
>> gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_11 = -1
>> gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_12 = -1
>> gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_13 = -1
>> gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_14 = -1
>> gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_15 = -1
>> gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_16 = -1
>> gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_17 = -1
>> gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_18 = -1
>> gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_19 = -1
>> gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_2 = -1
>> gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_20 = -1
>> gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_3 = -1
>> gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_4 = -1
>> gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_5 = -1
>> gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_6 = -1
>> gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_7 = -1
>> gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_8 = -1
>> gr_lrefmaxtimevalue_9 = -1
>> gr_pmrpdivergencefree = 1
>> gr_pmrpifaceoff = 0
>> gr_pmrpl2p5d = 0
>> gr_pmrpmaxblocks = -1
>> gr_pmrpmflags = 1
>> gr_pmrpnboundaries = 6
>> gr_pmrpndim = 3
>> gr_pmrpnedgevar1 = -1
>> gr_pmrpnfacevar = -1
>> gr_pmrpnfielddivf = -1
>> gr_pmrpnfluxvar = -1
>> gr_pmrpnguard = -1
>> gr_pmrpnguardwork = -1
>> gr_pmrpnvar = -1
>> gr_pmrpnvarwork = 1
>> gr_pmrpnvarcorn = 0
>> gr_pmrpnvaredge = 0
>> gr_pmrpnxb = -1
>> gr_pmrpnyb = -1
>> gr_pmrpnzb = -1
>> gr_restrictallmethod = 3
>> gr_sanitizedatamode = 3 [CHANGED]
>> gr_sanitizeverbosity = 5
>> grv_bhewaldfieldnxv42 = 32
>> grv_bhewaldfieldnyv42 = 32
>> grv_bhewaldfieldnzv42 = 32
>> grv_bhewaldnper = 32
>> grv_bhewaldnrefv42 = -1
>> grv_bhewaldseriesn = 10
>> grv_bhmpdegree = 2
>> iprocs = 1
>> interpol_order = 2
>> irenorm = 0
>> jprocs = 1
>> kprocs = 1
>> lrefine_del = 0
>> lrefine_max = 9 [CHANGED]
>> lrefine_min = 3 [CHANGED]
>> lrefine_min_init = 1
>> max_particles_per_blk = 100
>> memory_stat_freq = 100000
>> meshcopycount = 1
>> min_particles_per_blk = 1
>> nbegin = 1
>> nblockx = 1
>> nblocky = 1
>> nblockz = 1
>> nend = 1000000 [CHANGED]
>> nrefs = 2
>> nsteptotalsts = 5
>> outputsplitnum = 1
>> plotfileintervalstep = 1000000 [CHANGED]
>> plotfilenumber = 0
>> refine_var_count = 4
>> rolling_checkpoint = 10000
>> sim_refine = 9 [CHANGED]
>> sweeporder = 123
>> wr_integrals_freq = 1
>> cfl = 0.800E+00
>> checkpointfileintervaltime = 0.316E+14 [CHANGED]
>> checkpointfileintervalz = 0.180+309
>> derefine_cutoff_1 = 0.300E+00 [CHANGED]
>> derefine_cutoff_2 = 0.200E+00
>> derefine_cutoff_3 = 0.200E+00
>> derefine_cutoff_4 = 0.200E+00
>> dr_dtmincontinue = 0.000E+00
>> dr_posdefdtfactor = 0.100E+01
>> dr_tstepslowstartfactor = 0.100E+00
>> dtinit = 0.316E+11 [CHANGED]
>> dtmax = 0.316E+13 [CHANGED]
>> dtmin = 0.316E+10 [CHANGED]
>> eintswitch = 0.100E-03 [CHANGED]
>> eos_singlespeciesa = 0.100E+01
>> eos_singlespeciesz = 0.100E+01
>> gamma = 0.167E+01
>> gr_bhtreelimangle = 0.500E+00
>> gr_bhtreemaxcellmass = 0.100+100
>> gr_bhtreemincellmass = 0.100E-98
>> gr_bhtreesafebox = 0.120E+01
>> gr_lrefinemaxredlogbase = 0.100E+02
>> gr_lrefinemaxredradiusfact = 0.000E+00
>> gr_lrefinemaxredtref = 0.000E+00
>> gr_lrefinemaxredtimescale = 0.100E+01
>> gr_lrefmaxtime_1 = -0.100E+01
>> gr_lrefmaxtime_10 = -0.100E+01
>> gr_lrefmaxtime_11 = -0.100E+01
>> gr_lrefmaxtime_12 = -0.100E+01
>> gr_lrefmaxtime_13 = -0.100E+01
>> gr_lrefmaxtime_14 = -0.100E+01
>> gr_lrefmaxtime_15 = -0.100E+01
>> gr_lrefmaxtime_16 = -0.100E+01
>> gr_lrefmaxtime_17 = -0.100E+01
>> gr_lrefmaxtime_18 = -0.100E+01
>> gr_lrefmaxtime_19 = -0.100E+01
>> gr_lrefmaxtime_2 = -0.100E+01
>> gr_lrefmaxtime_20 = -0.100E+01
>> gr_lrefmaxtime_3 = -0.100E+01
>> gr_lrefmaxtime_4 = -0.100E+01
>> gr_lrefmaxtime_5 = -0.100E+01
>> gr_lrefmaxtime_6 = -0.100E+01
>> gr_lrefmaxtime_7 = -0.100E+01
>> gr_lrefmaxtime_8 = -0.100E+01
>> gr_lrefmaxtime_9 = -0.100E+01
>> grv_bhaccerr = 0.100E+00
>> grv_bhextrnpotcenterx = 0.000E+00
>> grv_bhextrnpotcentery = 0.000E+00
>> grv_bhextrnpotcenterz = 0.000E+00
>> grv_bhnewton = -0.100E+01
>> hall_parameter = 0.000E+00
>> hyperresistivity = 0.000E+00
>> nusts = 0.100E+00
>> plotfileintervaltime = 0.316E+13 [CHANGED]
>> plotfileintervalz = 0.180+309
>> point_mass = 0.000E+00
>> point_mass_rsoft = 0.000E+00
>> polytropedens1 = 0.212E-24 [CHANGED]
>> polytropedens2 = 0.100+100
>> polytropedens3 = 0.100+100
>> polytropedens4 = 0.100+100
>> polytropedens5 = 0.100+100
>> polytropegamma1 = 0.100E+01
>> polytropegamma2 = 0.100E+01
>> polytropegamma3 = 0.100E+01
>> polytropegamma4 = 0.100E+01
>> polytropegamma5 = 0.100E+01
>> polytropekonst = 0.400E+09 [CHANGED]
>> refine_cutoff_1 = 0.700E+00 [CHANGED]
>> refine_cutoff_2 = 0.800E+00
>> refine_cutoff_3 = 0.800E+00
>> refine_cutoff_4 = 0.800E+00
>> refine_filter_1 = 0.100E-01
>> refine_filter_2 = 0.100E-01
>> refine_filter_3 = 0.100E-01
>> refine_filter_4 = 0.100E-01
>> rss_limit = -0.100E+01
>> sim_bx = 0.710E-05 [CHANGED]
>> sim_by = 0.000E+00
>> sim_bz = 0.000E+00
>> sim_cs = 0.200E+05 [CHANGED]
>> sim_delta = 0.463E+19 [CHANGED]
>> sim_mu_mol = 0.127E+01
>> sim_pert = 0.150E+01 [CHANGED]
>> sim_rho = 0.212E-21 [CHANGED]
>> sim_sigma = 0.250E+00 [CHANGED]
>> sim_vx = 0.000E+00
>> sim_vy = 0.000E+00
>> sim_vz = 0.000E+00
>> sim_x_cent = 0.000E+00
>> sim_y_cent = 0.000E+00
>> sim_z_cent = 0.000E+00
>> small = 0.100E-39 [CHANGED]
>> smalle = 0.100E-09
>> smallp = 0.100E-21 [CHANGED]
>> smallt = 0.100E+01 [CHANGED]
>> smallu = 0.100E-39 [CHANGED]
>> smallx = 0.100E-09
>> smlrho = 0.100E-39 [CHANGED]
>> tinitial = 0.000E+00
>> tmax = 0.252E+15 [CHANGED]
>> tstep_change_factor = 0.200E+01
>> wall_clock_checkpoint = 0.432E+05
>> wall_clock_time_limit = 0.605E+06
>> x_refine_center = 0.000E+00
>> xmax = 0.154E+20 [CHANGED]
>> xmin = -0.154E+20 [CHANGED]
>> y_refine_center = 0.000E+00
>> ymax = 0.154E+20 [CHANGED]
>> ymin = -0.154E+20 [CHANGED]
>> zfinal = 0.000E+00
>> zinitial = -0.100E+01
>> z_refine_center = 0.000E+00
>> zmax = 0.154E+20 [CHANGED]
>> zmin = -0.154E+20 [CHANGED]
>> unitsystem = CGS [CHANGED]
>> basenm = mc_evolution_ [CHANGED]
>> dr_posdefvar_1 = none
>> dr_posdefvar_2 = none
>> dr_posdefvar_3 = none
>> dr_posdefvar_4 = none
>> eosmode = dens_ie
>> eosmodeinit = dens_ie
>> geometry = cartesian
>> gr_pmrpoutputdir = ./
>> grav_boundary_type = periodic [CHANGED]
>> grav_boundary_type_x = periodic [CHANGED]
>> grav_boundary_type_y = periodic [CHANGED]
>> grav_boundary_type_z = periodic [CHANGED]
>> grv_bhewaldfname = ewald_coeffs
>> grv_bhewaldfnameaccv42 = ewald_field_acc
>> grv_bhewaldfnamepotv42 = ewald_field_pot
>> grv_bhextrnpotfile = external_potential.dat
>> grv_bhextrnpottype = planez
>> grv_bhmac = ApproxPartialErr
>> log_file = mc_evolution.log [CHANGED]
>> output_directory =
>> pc_unitsbase = CGS
>> plot_grid_var_1 = none
>> plot_grid_var_10 = none
>> plot_grid_var_11 = none
>> plot_grid_var_12 = none
>> plot_grid_var_2 = none
>> plot_grid_var_3 = none
>> plot_grid_var_4 = none
>> plot_grid_var_5 = none
>> plot_grid_var_6 = none
>> plot_grid_var_7 = none
>> plot_grid_var_8 = none
>> plot_grid_var_9 = none
>> plot_var_1 = dens [CHANGED]
>> plot_var_10 = magz [CHANGED]
>> plot_var_11 = none
>> plot_var_12 = none
>> plot_var_13 = none
>> plot_var_14 = none
>> plot_var_15 = none
>> plot_var_16 = none
>> plot_var_17 = none
>> plot_var_18 = none
>> plot_var_2 = pres [CHANGED]
>> plot_var_3 = none
>> plot_var_4 = eint [CHANGED]
>> plot_var_5 = velx [CHANGED]
>> plot_var_6 = vely [CHANGED]
>> plot_var_7 = velz [CHANGED]
>> plot_var_8 = magx [CHANGED]
>> plot_var_9 = magy [CHANGED]
>> prof_file = profile.dat
>> refine_var_1 = dens [CHANGED]
>> refine_var_2 = none
>> refine_var_3 = none
>> refine_var_4 = none
>> refine_var_thresh = dens [CHANGED]
>> run_comment = MC evolution [CHANGED]
>> run_number = 1
>> stats_file = mc.dat [CHANGED]
>> xl_boundary_type = periodic
>> xr_boundary_type = periodic
>> yl_boundary_type = periodic
>> yr_boundary_type = periodic
>> zl_boundary_type = periodic
>> zr_boundary_type = periodic
>> allowdtstsdominate = F
>> alwayscomputeuservars = T
>> alwaysrestrictcheckpoint = T
>> chkguardcellsinput = F
>> chkguardcellsoutput = F
>> converttoconsvdformeshcalls = F
>> converttoconsvdinmeshinterp = T
>> corners = F
>> dr_printtsteploc = T
>> dr_shortenlaststepbeforetmax = F
>> dr_useposdefcomputedt = F
>> drift_tuples = F
>> eachprocwritesownabortlog = F
>> eachprocwritessummary = F
>> earlyblockdistadjustment = T
>> enablemaskedgcfill = F
>> flux_correct = T
>> geometryoverride = F
>> gr_bcenableapplymixedgds = T
>> gr_bhphysmaccomm = F
>> gr_bhphysmactw = F
>> gr_bhuseunifiedtw = F [CHANGED]
>> gr_lrefinemaxbytime = F
>> gr_lrefinemaxreddobylogr = F
>> gr_lrefinemaxreddobytime = F
>> gr_pmrpadvancealllevels = F
>> gr_pmrpamrerrorchecking = F
>> gr_pmrpcartesianpm = F
>> gr_pmrpconserve = F
>> gr_pmrpconsvfluxdensities = T
>> gr_pmrpconsvfluxes = F
>> gr_pmrpcurvilinear = F
>> gr_pmrpcurvilinearconserve = F
>> gr_pmrpcylindricalpm = F
>> gr_pmrpdiagonals = T
>> gr_pmrpedgevalue = T
>> gr_pmrpedgevalueinteg = F
>> gr_pmrpemptycells = F
>> gr_pmrpforceconsistency = T
>> gr_pmrplsingularline = F
>> gr_pmrpnopermanentguardcells = F
>> gr_pmrppolarpm = F
>> gr_pmrppredcorr = F
>> gr_pmrpsphericalpm = F
>> gr_pmrptimingmpi = F
>> gr_pmrptimingmpix = F
>> gr_pmrpvardt = F
>> grav_temporal_extrp = F
>> grav_unjunkpden = T
>> grv_bhewaldalwaysgenerate = T
>> grv_bhlinearinterpolonlyv42 = T
>> grv_bhuserelaccerr = F
>> grv_useexternalpotential = F
>> grv_usepoissonpotential = T
>> ignoreforcedplot = F
>> io_writemscalarintegrals = F
>> killdivb = T [CHANGED]
>> plotfilegridquantitydp = F
>> plotfilemetadatadp = F
>> reducegcellfills = F
>> refine_on_particle_count = F
>> restart = F
>> summaryoutputonly = F
>> threadblocklistbuild = F
>> threaddriverblocklist = F
>> threaddriverwithinblock = F
>> threadeoswithinblock = F
>> threadhydroblocklist = F
>> threadhydrowithinblock = F
>> threadraytracebuild = F
>> threadwithinblockbuild = F
>> typematchedxfer = T
>> unbiased_geometry = F
>> updategravity = T
>> updatehydrofluxes = T
>> useburn = F
>> usecollectivehdf5 = T
>> useconductivity = F
>> usecool = F
>> usecosmology = F
>> usedeleptonize = F
>> usediffuse = F
>> usediffusecomputedtspecies = F
>> usediffusecomputedttherm = F
>> usediffusecomputedtvisc = F
>> usediffusecomputedtmagnetic = F
>> useenergydeposition = F
>> useflame = F
>> usegravity = T
>> useheat = F
>> useheatexchange = F
>> usehydro = T
>> useincompns = F
>> useionize = F
>> uselegacylabels = T
>> usemagneticresistivity = F
>> usemassdiffusivity = F
>> useopacity = F
>> useparticles = F
>> useplasmastate = F
>> usepolytrope = T [CHANGED]
>> useprimordialchemistry = F
>> useprotonemission = F
>> useprotonimaging = F
>> useradtrans = F
>> useraytrace = F
>> usests = F
>> usestsfordiffusion = F
>> usestir = F
>> usethomsonscattering = F
>> usetreeray = F
>> useturb = T
>> useviscosity = F
>> usexrayimaging = F
>> use_cma_advection = F
>> use_cma_flattening = F
>> use_flash_surr_blks_fill = T
>> use_reduced_orrery = T
>> use_steepening = T
>> writestatsummary = T
>> ==============================================================================
>> WARNING: Ignored Parameters :
>> These parameters were found in the flash.par file, but they were
>> not declared in any Config file for the simulation!
>> energyFix
>> ==============================================================================
>> Known units of measurement:
>> Unit CGS Value Base Unit
>> 1 cm 1.0000 cm
>> 2 s 1.0000 s
>> 3 g 1.0000 g
>> 4 K 1.0000 K
>> 5 esu 1.0000 esu
>> 6 mol 1.0000 mol
>> 7 m 100.00 cm
>> 8 km 1.00000E+05 cm
>> 9 pc 3.08568E+18 cm
>> 10 kpc 3.08568E+21 cm
>> 11 Mpc 3.08568E+24 cm
>> 12 Gpc 3.08568E+27 cm
>> 13 Rsun 6.96000E+10 cm
>> 14 AU 1.49598E+13 cm
>> 15 yr 3.15569E+07 s
>> 16 Myr 3.15569E+13 s
>> 17 Gyr 3.15569E+16 s
>> 18 kg 1000.0 g
>> 19 Msun 1.98892E+33 g
>> 20 amu 1.66054E-24 g
>> 21 eV 11605. K
>> 22 C 2.99792E+09 esu
>> 23 LFLY 3.08568E+24 cm
>> 24 TFLY 2.05759E+17 s
>> 25 MFLY 9.88470E+45 g
>> 26 clLength 3.08568E+24 cm
>> 27 clTime 3.15569E+16 s
>> 28 clMass 1.98892E+48 g
>> 29 clTemp 1.16045E+07 K
>> -----------End of Units--------------------
>> Known physical constants:
>> Constant Name Constant Value cm s g K esu mol
>> 1 Newton 6.67408E-08 3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
>> 2 speed of light 2.99792E+10 1.0 -1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
>> 3 Planck 6.62607E-27 2.0 -1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
>> 4 electron charge 4.80320E-10 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0
>> 5 electron mass 9.10938E-28 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
>> 6 proton mass 1.67262E-24 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
>> 7 fine-structure 7.29735E-03 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
>> 8 Avogadro 6.02214E+23 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1.0
>> 9 Boltzmann 1.38065E-16 2.0 -2.0 1.0 -1.0 0.0 0.0
>> 10 ideal gas constant 8.31446E+07 2.0 -2.0 1.0 -1.0 0.0 -1.0
>> 11 Wien 0.28978 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0
>> 12 Stefan-Boltzmann 5.67037E-05 0.0 -3.0 1.0 -4.0 0.0 0.0
>> 13 Radiation Constant 7.56572E-15 -1.0 -2.0 1.0 -4.0 0.0 0.0
>> 14 pi 3.1416 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
>> 15 e 2.7183 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
>> 16 Euler 0.57722 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
>> ==============================================================================
>> Multifluid database: not configured in
>> ==============================================================================
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:02:26.975 ] [gr_initGeometry] checking BCs
>> for idir: 1
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:02:26.976 ] [gr_initGeometry] checking BCs
>> for idir: 2
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:02:26.976 ] [gr_initGeometry] checking BCs
>> for idir: 3
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:02:27.074 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]:
>> initiating refinement
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:02:27.302 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]:
>> redist. phase. tot blks requested: 9
>> [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min blks 0 max blks 1 tot blks 9
>> [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min leaf blks 0 max leaf blks 1
>> tot leaf blks 8
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:02:27.543 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]:
>> refinement complete
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:02:27.968 ] [GRID gr_expandDomain]:
>> iteration=1, create level=3
>> INFO: Grid_fillGuardCells is ignoring masking.
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:02:28.078 ] [mpi_amr_comm_setup]:
>> buffer_dim_send=74785, buffer_dim_recv=1
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:02:28.157 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]:
>> initiating refinement
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:02:29.011 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]:
>> redist. phase. tot blks requested: 73
>> [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min blks 0 max blks 1 tot blks 73
>> [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min leaf blks 0 max leaf blks 1
>> tot leaf blks 64
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:02:29.440 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]:
>> refinement complete
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:02:29.833 ] [GRID gr_expandDomain]:
>> iteration=2, create level=4
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:02:30.253 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]:
>> initiating refinement
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:02:30.322 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]:
>> redist. phase. tot blks requested: 585
>> [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min blks 2 max blks 4 tot blks 585
>> [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min leaf blks 1 max leaf blks 3
>> tot leaf blks 512
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:02:32.046 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]:
>> refinement complete
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:02:32.564 ] [GRID gr_expandDomain]:
>> iteration=3, create level=5
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:02:32.684 ] [mpi_amr_comm_setup]:
>> buffer_dim_send=233185, buffer_dim_recv=135889
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:02:33.443 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]:
>> initiating refinement
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:02:34.807 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]:
>> redist. phase. tot blks requested: 3033
>> [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min blks 11 max blks 14 tot blks 3033
>> [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min leaf blks 9 max leaf blks 11
>> tot leaf blks 2654
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:02:35.561 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]:
>> refinement complete
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:02:35.977 ] [GRID gr_expandDomain]:
>> iteration=4, create level=6
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:02:36.173 ] [mpi_amr_comm_setup]:
>> buffer_dim_send=575965, buffer_dim_recv=351529
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:02:37.611 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]:
>> initiating refinement
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:02:40.401 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]:
>> redist. phase. tot blks requested: 6297
>> [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min blks 24 max blks 26 tot blks 6297
>> [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min leaf blks 20 max leaf blks 23
>> tot leaf blks 5510
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:02:41.154 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]:
>> refinement complete
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:02:41.544 ] [GRID gr_expandDomain]:
>> iteration=5, create level=7
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:02:41.815 ] [mpi_amr_comm_setup]:
>> buffer_dim_send=540997, buffer_dim_recv=411109
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:02:44.513 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]:
>> initiating refinement
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:02:46.394 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]:
>> redist. phase. tot blks requested: 16185
>> [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min blks 62 max blks 65 tot blks 16185
>> [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min leaf blks 54 max leaf blks 57
>> tot leaf blks 14162
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:02:47.277 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]:
>> refinement complete
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:02:47.696 ] [GRID gr_expandDomain]:
>> iteration=6, create level=8
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:02:48.106 ] [mpi_amr_comm_setup]:
>> buffer_dim_send=881329, buffer_dim_recv=699133
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:02:50.281 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]:
>> initiating refinement
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:02:51.436 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]:
>> redist. phase. tot blks requested: 89497
>> [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min blks 348 max blks 351 tot blks
>> 89497
>> [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min leaf blks 304 max leaf blks
>> 308 tot leaf blks 78310
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:02:53.153 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]:
>> refinement complete
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:02:53.443 ] [GRID gr_expandDomain]:
>> iteration=7, create level=9
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:02:56.118 ] [mpi_amr_comm_setup]:
>> buffer_dim_send=1952545, buffer_dim_recv=1773109
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:03:03.333 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]:
>> initiating refinement
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:03:07.980 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]:
>> redist. phase. tot blks requested: 626345
>> [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min blks 2445 max blks 2449 tot
>> blks 626345
>> [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min leaf blks 2139 max leaf blks
>> 2142 tot leaf blks 548052
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:03:13.985 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]:
>> refinement complete
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:03:14.055 ] [GRID gr_expandDomain]:
>> iteration=8, create level=9
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:03:25.399 ] [mpi_amr_comm_setup]:
>> buffer_dim_send=6183577, buffer_dim_recv=5623945
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:03:55.420 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]:
>> initiating refinement
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:03:58.377 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]:
>> redist. phase. tot blks requested: 97801
>> [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min blks 381 max blks 384 tot blks
>> 97801
>> [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min leaf blks 333 max leaf blks
>> 336 tot leaf blks 85576
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:04:01.822 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]:
>> refinement complete
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:04:01.849 ] [GRID gr_expandDomain]:
>> iteration=9, create level=9
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:04:03.709 ] [mpi_amr_comm_setup]:
>> buffer_dim_send=2129845, buffer_dim_recv=1958629
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:04:11.340 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]:
>> initiating refinement
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:04:15.464 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]:
>> redist. phase. tot blks requested: 626345
>> [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min blks 2445 max blks 2449 tot
>> blks 626345
>> [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min leaf blks 2139 max leaf blks
>> 2142 tot leaf blks 548052
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:04:24.519 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]:
>> refinement complete
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:04:24.588 ] [GRID gr_expandDomain]:
>> iteration=10, create level=9
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:04:35.959 ] [mpi_amr_comm_setup]:
>> buffer_dim_send=6183577, buffer_dim_recv=5623945
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:05:06.370 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]:
>> initiating refinement
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:05:09.335 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]:
>> redist. phase. tot blks requested: 97801
>> [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min blks 381 max blks 384 tot blks
>> 97801
>> [GRID amr_refine_derefine] min leaf blks 333 max leaf blks
>> 336 tot leaf blks 85576
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:05:12.763 ] [GRID amr_refine_derefine]:
>> refinement complete
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:05:12.790 ] [GRID gr_expandDomain]:
>> iteration=11, create level=9
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:05:14.289 ] [gr_ensureValidNeighborInfo]
>> found mpi_pattern_id: -10
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:05:14.317 ] [mpi_amr_comm_setup]:
>> buffer_dim_send=73525, buffer_dim_recv=62437
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:05:14.806 ] memory: /proc vsize (MiB):
>> 2918.54 (min) 3030.76 (max) 2946.03 (avg)
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:05:14.807 ] memory: /proc rss (MiB): 1798.14
>> (min) 1883.50 (max) 1830.61 (avg)
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:05:14.808 ] memory: /proc vsize (MiB):
>> 2918.54 (min) 3030.76 (max) 2946.03 (avg)
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:05:14.809 ] memory: /proc rss (MiB): 1798.18
>> (min) 1883.53 (max) 1830.67 (avg)
>> [ 12-05-2019 12:05:17.553 ] [BHTree]: Coefficients in the
>> Taylor expansion written into file
>> The error file says:
>> Fatal error in PMPI_Waitall: See the MPI_ERROR field in
>> MPI_Status for the error code
>> The out file says:
>> RuntimeParameters_read: ignoring unknown parameter "energyFix"...
>> Grid_init: resolution based on runtime params:
>> lrefine dx dy dz
>> 3 9.643E+17 9.643E+17 9.643E+17
>> 4 4.821E+17 4.821E+17 4.821E+17
>> 5 2.411E+17 2.411E+17 2.411E+17
>> 6 1.205E+17 1.205E+17 1.205E+17
>> 7 6.027E+16 6.027E+16 6.027E+16
>> 8 3.013E+16 3.013E+16 3.013E+16
>> 9 1.507E+16 1.507E+16 1.507E+16
>> MaterialProperties initialized
>> Cosmology initialized
>> Initializing Polytropic Equation of State
>> Source terms initialized
>> iteration, no. not moved = 0 0
>> refined: total leaf blocks = 8
>> refined: total blocks = 9
>> [amr_morton_process]: Initializing surr_blks using standard
>> orrery implementation
>> INFO: Grid_fillGuardCells is ignoring masking.
>> iteration, no. not moved = 0 6
>> iteration, no. not moved = 1 0
>> refined: total leaf blocks = 64
>> refined: total blocks = 73
>> iteration, no. not moved = 0 46
>> iteration, no. not moved = 1 2
>> iteration, no. not moved = 2 0
>> refined: total leaf blocks = 512
>> refined: total blocks = 585
>> iteration, no. not moved = 0 459
>> iteration, no. not moved = 1 58
>> iteration, no. not moved = 2 0
>> refined: total leaf blocks = 2654
>> refined: total blocks = 3033
>> iteration, no. not moved = 0 2675
>> iteration, no. not moved = 1 765
>> iteration, no. not moved = 2 0
>> refined: total leaf blocks = 5510
>> refined: total blocks = 6297
>> iteration, no. not moved = 0 5642
>> iteration, no. not moved = 1 1146
>> iteration, no. not moved = 2 0
>> refined: total leaf blocks = 14162
>> refined: total blocks = 16185
>> iteration, no. not moved = 0 15209
>> iteration, no. not moved = 1 1503
>> iteration, no. not moved = 2 0
>> refined: total leaf blocks = 78310
>> refined: total blocks = 89497
>> iteration, no. not moved = 0 79298
>> iteration, no. not moved = 1 4927
>> iteration, no. not moved = 2 0
>> refined: total leaf blocks = 548052
>> refined: total blocks = 626345
>> iteration, no. not moved = 0 91484
>> iteration, no. not moved = 1 36351
>> iteration, no. not moved = 2 0
>> refined: total leaf blocks = 85576
>> refined: total blocks = 97801
>> iteration, no. not moved = 0 89804
>> iteration, no. not moved = 1 6879
>> iteration, no. not moved = 2 0
>> refined: total leaf blocks = 548052
>> refined: total blocks = 626345
>> iteration, no. not moved = 0 91447
>> iteration, no. not moved = 1 36080
>> iteration, no. not moved = 2 0
>> refined: total leaf blocks = 85576
>> refined: total blocks = 97801
>> NSIZE = 4 1
>> Tree solver initialized
>> Finished with Grid_initDomain, no restart
>> Ready to call Hydro_init
>> Hydro initialized
>> Gravity initialized
>> Initial dt verified
>> I’m not sure what is the reason for this kind of crash, have
>> you ever experienced something similar?
>> My guess is that it is a communication problem due to the use
>> of mpich-3.2.1 but i’m not sure.
>> Cheers,
>> --
>> Eddie Hansen, PhD
>> Postdoctoral Scholar
>> University of Chicago
>> 607-341-6126 | Flash Center
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