[FLASH-USERS] How to set a time-changed magnetic field condition

zdy0903 zdy0903 at stu.xjtu.edu.cn
Thu Jan 10 08:47:35 EST 2019

Hi everyon

I am going to established a time-changed magnetic field boundary condition which coreesponds a current pulse for magnetic NohCylindrical simulation.(32.2.4) When I use a Grid_bcApplyToRegionSpecialized to give a user defined condition to upper face, just like this

if(face==LOW) then
           select case (bcTypeActual)
           case default
!!              print*,'boundary is',bcType
!!              call Driver_abortFlash("unsupported boundary condition on Lower Face")
           end select        
        else  !(face==HIGH)
           select case (bcTypeActual)
              do i = 1,guard
                 if (ivar == MAGZ_VAR) then
                    regionData(k+i,1:je,1:ke,ivar)= 2.0e4 
                    regionData(k+i,1:je,1:ke,ivar)= regionData(k,1:je,1:ke,ivar)
                 end if
              end do

           case default
!!              print*,'boundary is',bcType
!!              call Driver_abortFlash("unsupported boundary condition on Upper Face")
           end select
        end if
     end if
  end do

However, I meet some errors like 

What should I do for that?

A next question is that how can I set a time-changed boundary condition? What is the time-variable to be used here?

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